Thursday, January 13, 2011

Elsa's report on Steering group meeting of 11th Jan 2011

The Steering Group for Virtual World Activity met today. I reported on what information I had passed on in the meeting last night, and the range of questions, suggestions and pockets of discussion (noting that the main focus of the meeting was not to make decisions) that resulted. I also reported on the ideas coming forward in the draft constitution in CQs forum.

The next Steering Group meeting is on the 9th of March. On that date the Group would like to see a full plan for how the community want to take on the running of the island, including a risk assessment and a plan for managing communication with the OU. Just to reiterate from last night – the Steering Group exist to oversee all virtual world activity and don’t have the available time to deal with daily details of OUtopian life. This plan is about demonstrating the simplest and most sustainable way forward for the community to manage itself, with an OU representative to call on only in extreme circumstances. If they see and feel able to approve such a plan on the 9th of March then we will move into a transition period between then and July, when self management will be put to the test and Kickaha and I will still be available in the background.

As promised, I will be available again on the 21st of January at 8pm on Outopia Village Green to answer questions that arise during your discussions between now and then. In the meantime please as ever contact me or Kickaha with any individual concerns relating to all aspects of life on the OU islands.

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