Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chat log of meeting with Elsa on 21st January 2011

[2011/01/21 12:04] Elsa Dickins: OK, shall we get going?
[2011/01/21 12:04] Elsbeth Biedermann: ok
[2011/01/21 12:04] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yes
[2011/01/21 12:04] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yes
[2011/01/21 12:04] Elsa Dickins: I sent out a notice earlier with a notecard attached, with a link to a new forum on OU webspace
[2011/01/21 12:04] Prash Mavendorf: no.... oh ok... yes then.
[2011/01/21 12:04] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[2011/01/21 12:05] Rocky Joans: I'm afraid I missed the notecard
[2011/01/21 12:05] Prash Mavendorf: the notecard went awol?
[2011/01/21 12:05] Titiana Haystack: same here
[2011/01/21 12:05] Elsa Dickins: we've set this up because it just makes sense to have one single, mandated place for discussions where you have a direct line to us
[2011/01/21 12:05] Elsa Dickins: OK hold up then and I'll drop them round
[2011/01/21 12:06] MarionGE Resident: ty
[2011/01/21 12:06] Prash Mavendorf: hi cq.
[2011/01/21 12:06] Elsa Dickins gave you OUtopia Discussion Forum.
Text of note card follows:
“The Virtual Worlds Steering Committee are unanimous in their agreement that only verifiable staff and students of the OU should be involved in the decision-making process for handing OUtopia over to self-governance by the community. We need to be certain that anyone who is in involved in proposing/selecting/voting etc meets that criterion. Rather than the committee working through the finer definitions of this (eg how many months since last course studied etc) it is simplest to adopt the standard OU conventions which dictate whether or not someone has current access to the website. So, if you can sign in to student home or tutor home then you have a say in the management of a resource that is funded by the university. To this end we have established a forum space, which can be accessed by going to then clicking the link "OUtopians", in the middle of the page under the group of icons with pink text. I have made a posting there which answers questions that have been raised in the last week or two, and will continue to use the space for disseminating information to and from the steering committee. We look forward to seeing discussions grow over the next month.

We recognise that there are members of the OU community who will not be able to access this forum and we hope that you will continue to enjoy use of the island as our guests, and to take an active part in any inworld or out of world discussions that contribute to the wider development of the OUtopia community.”
End of note card.
[2011/01/21 12:06] Tori Landau: ty Elsa
[2011/01/21 12:06] Hatshepsut Linette: ty
[2011/01/21 12:07] Jonno Stromfield: ty
[2011/01/21 12:07] DeeDee Bookmite: TY
[2011/01/21 12:07] Elsa Dickins: OK *think* I have given a card to everyone
[2011/01/21 12:07] Elsa Dickins: it's the same as went out with the notice just now
[2011/01/21 12:07] Rocky Joans: It all looks fine and sensible to me apart from the colour of the link pink just isn't me!
[2011/01/21 12:07] Elsa Dickins: :)
[2011/01/21 12:07] Elsa Dickins: two things I want to say quickly
[2011/01/21 12:07] Tori Landau: er, I didn't get that notice - typical sl
[2011/01/21 12:08] Commander Quandry: It would appear that I am a chosen one
[2011/01/21 12:08] Erich Templar: I got two!
[2011/01/21 12:08] Hatshepsut Linette: me 3 now
[2011/01/21 12:08] Hennamono Morpork: Me too
[2011/01/21 12:08] Strangie Vaher: was that just me?
[2011/01/21 12:09] Elsa Dickins: one is that I thoroughly appreciate the efforts CQ has gone to in setting up the public forum for OUtopia discussions, and I know that's been a useful space for lots of people, and hope it continues to be so for wider community discussions - it would be great to see it lighten up a bit now and be a place for organising some FUN
[2011/01/21 12:09] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Fun... yes, I remember that!
[2011/01/21 12:10] Elsa Dickins: the other is that I am also really grateful for the excellent job Tori has been doing as Rep to manage the information flow, and that she will no doubt continue to do but in a bit more of a back-to-normal way
[2011/01/21 12:10] Elsa Dickins: so having the new forum will be ONE place for asynchronous discussions, where we can capture all the input on OUtopia's future
[2011/01/21 12:10] Elsa Dickins: OK, have said my piece, please hit me with questions
[2011/01/21 12:10] Elsa Dickins: or clucking, as you please
[2011/01/21 12:11] Jonno Stromfield: Have the steering committee any other insistances?
[2011/01/21 12:11] Commander Quandry: the NC and the new forum say - "anyone who is in involved in proposing/selecting/voting"
[2011/01/21 12:12] Rocky Joans: Sorry CQ I don't understand
[2011/01/21 12:12] Commander Quandry: does that mean that someone who is not a current student/tutor could be part of the management?
[2011/01/21 12:12] Elsa Dickins: as I've said in the forum posting, there is an OU assessment going on in parallel with the community process
[2011/01/21 12:12] Elsa Dickins: yes CQ
[2011/01/21 12:12] Commander Quandry: OK
[2011/01/21 12:13] Erich Templar: Will the new forum have some sort of official status, or will it just be an informal chatting place?
[2011/01/21 12:13] Hennamono Morpork: What about alumni who no longer have acces to student home?
[2011/01/21 12:13] Elsa Dickins: so Jonno that means there may be things that arise that haven't been identified already, so the more the community can be proactive in raising issues the less likely the steering group will be to drop them
[2011/01/21 12:13] Jonno Stromfield: thank you for the clarification
[2011/01/21 12:14] Elsa Dickins: OK coming back to CQ's question (trying to answer two at once) and being clear: Only people who currently have access to tutor/student home can have role that carry any sort of responsibility in teh island management
[2011/01/21 12:14] Elsa Dickins: *roles and *the
[2011/01/21 12:14] Hatshepsut Linette: because of validating voting I guess
[2011/01/21 12:14] Elsa Dickins: indeed
[2011/01/21 12:15] Commander Quandry: at present that appears to keep me in the loop then
[2011/01/21 12:15] Jonno Stromfield: adminstrators don't need to have a vote to administrate
[2011/01/21 12:15] Hatshepsut Linette: good news CQ you have heaps to offer
[2011/01/21 12:15] Commander Quandry: because I just got in, and Subscribed to the forum
[2011/01/21 12:15] Elsa Dickins: excellent CQ :)
[2011/01/21 12:15] Rocky Joans: As the OU is bankrolling this it seems eminently fair
[2011/01/21 12:15] Prash Mavendorf: agreed.
[2011/01/21 12:15] DeeDee Bookmite: Great CQ :)
[2011/01/21 12:15] Jonno Stromfield: good news, CQ
[2011/01/21 12:15] Elsa Dickins: that's kinda the point Rocky :)
[2011/01/21 12:15] Elsa Dickins: Jonno waht do you mean by administrators?
[2011/01/21 12:16] Titiana Haystack: would it be possible for someone to have several verified alts with the one OU identity?
[2011/01/21 12:16] DeeDee Bookmite: I understand that a tutor who is also a student can have 2 ou emails. Does that mean they get 2 votes ? :)
[2011/01/21 12:16] Jonno Stromfield: if they aren't actually taking decisions on behalf of the community, but are helping in the day to day running, say as a prim warden
[2011/01/21 12:16] Elsa Dickins: ooooh interesting question Tits - yes I think that would be fine as long as they were very clearly idenitied within profiles etc
[2011/01/21 12:17] Titiana Haystack: but they would be able to have several votes then
[2011/01/21 12:17] DeeDee Bookmite: hmmmm
[2011/01/21 12:17] Hatshepsut Linette: I would think one human one vote
[2011/01/21 12:17] Erich Templar: Presumably it a vote per RL person, not per avatar.
[2011/01/21 12:17] Titiana Haystack: hopefully
[2011/01/21 12:17] Rocky Joans: Surely not tits because voting would be in the forum
[2011/01/21 12:17] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: I think the idea is to create polls on the website too.
[2011/01/21 12:17] Elsa Dickins: no Tits because they would only have one access to the website for voting
[2011/01/21 12:17] Titiana Haystack: ty
[2011/01/21 12:18] DeeDee Bookmite: and someone who was a tutor and a student?
[2011/01/21 12:18] Commander Quandry: even a tutor/studnt
[2011/01/21 12:18] Elsa Dickins: unless they are as DeeDee says both tutor and student - excellent point! In which case no, only one vote allowed and that could be monitored for
[2011/01/21 12:18] Hennamono Morpork: But if they had more than 1 OU profile?
[2011/01/21 12:18] DeeDee Bookmite: ok
[2011/01/21 12:18] Hennamono Morpork: OK
[2011/01/21 12:18] Rocky Joans: DeeDee has a point I have two identities and actually use a different name as a student so I could probably manage to get two votes - which is not fair
[2011/01/21 12:18] Commander Quandry: can't be too many power hungry tutor/students to worry about
[2011/01/21 12:18] Elsa Dickins: Kick can you capture that please so that it's a clear rule in any voting process
[2011/01/21 12:18] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yep
[2011/01/21 12:19] Rocky Joans: Are you sure CQ :)
[2011/01/21 12:19] Jonno Stromfield: lol
[2011/01/21 12:19] Elsa Dickins: there's me CQ, I have both and am exceedingly power hungry
[2011/01/21 12:19] Elsa Dickins grins
[2011/01/21 12:19] Elsbeth Biedermann: lol
[2011/01/21 12:19] Hennamono Morpork: Power nom nom nom
[2011/01/21 12:19] Elsa Dickins: lol Henn
[2011/01/21 12:19] Commander Quandry: So we have been finding out ;)
[2011/01/21 12:19] Strangie Vaher: I'm just hungry
[2011/01/21 12:19] Rocky Joans: I've always fancied being a dictator :)
[2011/01/21 12:19] Jonno Stromfield: if we catch them Elsa they will get stomped on!
[2011/01/21 12:19] Titiana Haystack: me i'm full of power, so not hungry for it
[2011/01/21 12:19] Elsa Dickins: now's your chance Rocky
[2011/01/21 12:19] DeeDee Bookmite: I am concerned about Alumni. I know when my last course finsihed I only had about 6 months and my ou email was gone, so say someone like CQ, would they lose their vote after such a short time?
[2011/01/21 12:19] Rocky Joans: I'm also good at arguing with myself
[2011/01/21 12:20] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[2011/01/21 12:20] Rocky Joans: It's normally a year DD
[2011/01/21 12:20] Hennamono Morpork agrees with Deedee
[2011/01/21 12:20] Commander Quandry: I have pretty much decided to take a course starting in May just so as to avoid that happening - that's how much I care about OUtopia
[2011/01/21 12:20] Hatshepsut Linette: brilliant CQ
[2011/01/21 12:20] DeeDee Bookmite: oh good CQ
[2011/01/21 12:20] Erich Templar: As OUtopia is affiliated with the OU, it should reasonably have the same rules about membership.
[2011/01/21 12:20] Jonno Stromfield: More worried about Leo. Being based abroad a 10 pointer to keep active is prohibitive
[2011/01/21 12:20] Commander Quandry: any sponsorship would be grately receieved
[2011/01/21 12:20] Hatshepsut Linette: yes true
[2011/01/21 12:21] Elsa Dickins: DeeDee that's a fair point, but the decision to take it behind the portal aligns us with the standard OU position on who has access to what in terms of paid facilities
[2011/01/21 12:21] Rocky Joans: I think if someone hasn't studied taught for a year then it's fair there membership lapses
[2011/01/21 12:21] DeeDee Bookmite: yes I guess
[2011/01/21 12:21] Hatshepsut Linette: best not retire yet then
[2011/01/21 12:21] DeeDee Bookmite: and it doesn't stop them being a big part of Outopia
[2011/01/21 12:21] Elsa Dickins: It doesn't stop people being active within the community
[2011/01/21 12:21] Commander Quandry: it is our fess that pay for this
[2011/01/21 12:21] Strangie Vaher: I'm doing three courses and I hardly study at all, where does that leave me?
[2011/01/21 12:21] Elsa Dickins: Erich OUtopia is owned by the OU, not affiliated :)
[2011/01/21 12:21] Rocky Joans: Have you been FEStering then CQ
[2011/01/21 12:22] Titiana Haystack: lol stragnie
[2011/01/21 12:22] Jonno Stromfield: lol@Strangie
[2011/01/21 12:22] Elsa Dickins: lol Strangie
[2011/01/21 12:22] Erich Templar: Knew I'd got the wrong word, Elsa. :-)
[2011/01/21 12:22] Hennamono Morpork: Technically OUtopia is rented by OU not owned - LL maintain possession
[2011/01/21 12:23] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Now... a word about your uniforms....
[2011/01/21 12:23] Shailey Garfield: Strangie, you might then decide to give your vote to somebody else who studies :-)
[2011/01/21 12:23] Hatshepsut Linette: lol
[2011/01/21 12:23] Tori Landau: rofl Kick
[2011/01/21 12:23] MarionGE Resident: Could alumni pay a fee to be a voting member of the community.
[2011/01/21 12:23] Strangie Vaher: would we say "give" Shailey? I think "sell"
[2011/01/21 12:23] Eli Larsson: lol Kick
[2011/01/21 12:23] Commander Quandry: Nothing wrong with my uniform
[2011/01/21 12:23] Elsa Dickins: I know there is practical stuff to sort out about land permissions and behaviour management, but this should also be about how the community can thrive as a community and continue having fun and doing cool stuff
[2011/01/21 12:23] Hennamono Morpork: Do uniforms come in a cat cut?
[2011/01/21 12:23] Shailey Garfield: yes, absolutely, 'sell' it off, Strangie!
[2011/01/21 12:24] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Absolutely.
[2011/01/21 12:24] Elsa Dickins: and you don't need to be a paid up student to be pivotal in that
[2011/01/21 12:24] DeeDee Bookmite: yes that is more important
[2011/01/21 12:24] Elsa Dickins: Yes Henn, you get boots
[2011/01/21 12:24] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Rinse em out though.
[2011/01/21 12:24] Rocky Joans: Could offend the rules if we only wore boots Elsa
[2011/01/21 12:24] Jonno Stromfield: Can we get an expansion on the risk assessment thing please, Elsa?
[2011/01/21 12:24] Jonno Stromfield: whose risk are we supposed to be assessing?
[2011/01/21 12:24] Elsa Dickins: it would if you did Rocky, I think the hen and the cat are OK though
[2011/01/21 12:25] Rocky Joans: That's discruimination!
[2011/01/21 12:25] Elsa Dickins: yes Jonno...
[2011/01/21 12:25] Elsa Dickins: I have commented on this in the forum -
[2011/01/21 12:25] Jonno Stromfield: Henn is the cat
[2011/01/21 12:25] Hennamono Morpork: Make boots the uniform!
[2011/01/21 12:25] Titiana Haystack: cat fur uniforms
[2011/01/21 12:25] Eli Larsson: I think it would depend wherer you wore th boots Rocky
[2011/01/21 12:26] Elsa Dickins: I'm sorry if this has sounded like somehting a lot more documentation-oriented than we intended -
[2011/01/21 12:26] Jonno Stromfield: okay, so not the risks to the OU, but the risks to the plan
[2011/01/21 12:26] Rocky Joans: Boots don't sound very document oriented
[2011/01/21 12:26] Elsa Dickins: what we had in mind was making sure that for every proposal you put forward you also capture the risk associated, and demonstrate that you have thought about how to mitigate for that
[2011/01/21 12:27] Commander Quandry: I find it hard to think of many risks? Risks to whom? Av's the island or the OU's reputation?
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: for example, if one person has all the land permissions for the island, what are the risks?
[2011/01/21 12:27] Hatshepsut Linette: like if someone is ill long term and they have a key part etc
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: yes Hats
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: CQ you might find it easier if you think of the scenarion first
[2011/01/21 12:27] Hennamono Morpork: What is the risk associated with having a risk assessment?
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: *scenario
[2011/01/21 12:27] Strangie Vaher: or if they need respite
[2011/01/21 12:27] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: I brainstormed a list of risks the other day CQ... was quite surprised how many I thought of.
[2011/01/21 12:27] Tori Landau: lol Henn
[2011/01/21 12:27] Erich Templar: Do you always have a plan B, in other words. :-)
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: that all our heads implode Henn
[2011/01/21 12:27] Rocky Joans: Would we also need to think of worse case - ie someone who had control of permissions abused that control
[2011/01/21 12:27] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yes.
[2011/01/21 12:27] Elsa Dickins: yes Rocky, that would be a risk
[2011/01/21 12:27] Jonno Stromfield: unless Niall let's us have his password, one person - the owner does.
[2011/01/21 12:27] Commander Quandry: OK - so along the lines of why I propose 5 estate managers over 3. allows for sickness, holiday, internet down
[2011/01/21 12:28] Elsa Dickins: Jonno Niall will continue to be the owner, but for example at the moment Kick has very wide land permissions and could delete everything on the island and boot us all off in about 2 minutes flat if he wanted
[2011/01/21 12:28] Hennamono Morpork: I thought your 5 was all roles not just estate managers?
[2011/01/21 12:28] Elsa Dickins: despite Niall being the owner
[2011/01/21 12:28] Tori Landau: shhhh Elsa
[2011/01/21 12:28] Hatshepsut Linette: I understood they had different roles not all likely to be land
[2011/01/21 12:29] Jonno Stromfield: I image he'd get a carpeting from you
[2011/01/21 12:29] Elsa Dickins: good point Tori, never give him ideas...
[2011/01/21 12:29] Jonno Stromfield: his powers revoked
[2011/01/21 12:29] Hatshepsut Linette: that was why I suggested deputies for each job
[2011/01/21 12:29] Commander Quandry: Henn - portfolios - overseeing groups doing types of things
[2011/01/21 12:29] Elsa Dickins: he would certainly see a reduction in his birdseed allowance, yes
[2011/01/21 12:29] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[2011/01/21 12:29] Jonno Stromfield: so not that big a risk, then
[2011/01/21 12:29] Jonno Stromfield: he likes his birdseed too much
[2011/01/21 12:29] Commander Quandry: so there is not one person who builds - there is a team of builders whose point of contact is the person on the management board with that portfolio
[2011/01/21 12:30] Hennamono Morpork: Makes sense
[2011/01/21 12:30] Jonno Stromfield: you want a management board - CQ. I don't
[2011/01/21 12:30] Jonno Stromfield: we can sort it out later
[2011/01/21 12:30] Elsa Dickins: yup, that's a discussion for the forum, and maybe ultimately a vote
[2011/01/21 12:30] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: IMO discussions about responsibilities need to happen in parallel with or even after discussions about the overall design and use of the island.
[2011/01/21 12:31] Commander Quandry: I was only mentioning from the RA POV
[2011/01/21 12:31] Hennamono Morpork agrees with Kick
[2011/01/21 12:31] Commander Quandry: not so discuss its merits
[2011/01/21 12:31] Jonno Stromfield: fair enough
[2011/01/21 12:31] Elsa Dickins: you have a timescale, so I suggest you think about what needs to be decided when, and in what order
[2011/01/21 12:31] DeeDee Bookmite: I agree I think it is difficult to discuss it until we know what is to be managed
[2011/01/21 12:31] Elsa Dickins: so that you don't talk round things for ever
[2011/01/21 12:31] DeeDee Bookmite: as if ;)
[2011/01/21 12:31] Tori Landau: Agree Dee
[2011/01/21 12:31] Elsa Dickins: :)
[2011/01/21 12:31] Eli Larsson: lol
[2011/01/21 12:31] Commander Quandry: everything has to be managed
[2011/01/21 12:32] Hennamono Morpork: But talking forever might be fun?
[2011/01/21 12:32] Commander Quandry: the island's continued success depends on people being prepared to put in the work required to make that happen
[2011/01/21 12:32] Elsa Dickins: talking forever will see the island disappear in March
[2011/01/21 12:32] Strangie Vaher: There are thousands of communities in SL. Can't we just buy someone elses rules and regs, then cut and paste "Outopia" in?
[2011/01/21 12:32] DeeDee Bookmite: not about constitutions and committees
[2011/01/21 12:32] Jonno Stromfield: do the steering committee have an idea of what it's aims for the community are? And critical success factors declared?
[2011/01/21 12:32] Hennamono Morpork wasn't serious...
[2011/01/21 12:32] Jonno Stromfield: and why I keep putting an extra apostrophe in it's
[2011/01/21 12:33] Elsa Dickins: again I have said this in the forum posting Jonno - it's about being stable, secure and sustainable, and about it continuing to grow
[2011/01/21 12:33] Titiana Haystack: and you got a spelling mistake Jonno
[2011/01/21 12:33] Hatshepsut Linette: on growth front we have had 2 new tenants in the last week
[2011/01/21 12:33] Jonno Stromfield: yes, but I'm used to those
[2011/01/21 12:33] Elsa Dickins: there is no magic number of avatars at which we will say yes or no
[2011/01/21 12:33] Jonno Stromfield: can't be sustainable and grow indefinately
[2011/01/21 12:33] Tori Landau: ok, ty for clarifying that bit Elsa re numbers
[2011/01/21 12:33] Erich Templar: Quality not quantity?
[2011/01/21 12:34] Shailey Garfield: Strangie, I had also thought about this; that how we can learn from existing thriving communities.
[2011/01/21 12:34] Prash Mavendorf: oh those spelling mistakes reminds me of OUSA conferences. lol.
[2011/01/21 12:34] Titiana Haystack: there you go again lol
[2011/01/21 12:34] Leornian Naidoo: sorry crashed
[2011/01/21 12:34] DeeDee Bookmite: it is good to see meetings well attended
[2011/01/21 12:34] Jonno Stromfield: wb
[2011/01/21 12:34] MarionGE Resident: wb loe
[2011/01/21 12:34] Elsa Dickins: if there is an overall pattern of growth, and of stability in the sense that the management structure and relationships are stable etc, then there is no reason for it not to continue indefinitely at this point
[2011/01/21 12:34] Strangie Vaher: wb Leo xxx
[2011/01/21 12:34] Erich Templar: Wb Leo
[2011/01/21 12:34] Rocky Joans: Seeing someone else's rules could be a good starting point
[2011/01/21 12:34] Leornian Naidoo: Shailey can you expand on that idea ?
[2011/01/21 12:34] Prash Mavendorf: welcome back to the uncrashed world leo.
[2011/01/21 12:35] Leornian Naidoo: xxx@all
[2011/01/21 12:36] Elsa Dickins: I just heard a horse, is that you speaking in tongues Eli?
[2011/01/21 12:36] Strangie Vaher: I bet there are experts in SL community law who have Ts & Cs. We could probable pay in lindens too. I'm much better off in Lindens than pounds.
[2011/01/21 12:36] Eli Larsson: neigh
[2011/01/21 12:36] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: It's Steph's I think.
[2011/01/21 12:37] Shailey Garfield: I know that Fleep Tuque (Chris Collins, a pioneer in SL) runs/has set up a community in SL. I attended a presentaton sometime ago. I was thinking that if there are any self-managing communities in SL, it would be worth exploring the tasks involved, how the responsbilities are spread out, etc. so that we can be more aware of the tasks, risks, norms, etc.
[2011/01/21 12:37] Tori Landau: Agree Shaliey
[2011/01/21 12:37] Elsa Dickins: absolutely
[2011/01/21 12:37] Hatshepsut Linette: makes sense
[2011/01/21 12:37] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Tori, didn;t you make contact with someone from "SL's oldest democracy" or something?
[2011/01/21 12:37] Rocky Joans: Sound idea
[2011/01/21 12:37] Leornian Naidoo: nods yes makes sense
[2011/01/21 12:38] Commander Quandry: I got the impression that some thought, after Elsa mentioned having a large sandbox, that there are some in the community who see no need for any one, or group, to have control of anything. And so my question is - does the Steering Committee expect there to be a finite group that holds the reins for OUtopia?
[2011/01/21 12:38] Leornian Naidoo: thank you Shailey
[2011/01/21 12:38] Strangie Vaher: we don't want to reinvent wheels and flog dead horses (no offence)
[2011/01/21 12:38] Tori Landau: I did Kick, but their situation is very different to our's... we will need to look at communities in a similar situation
[2011/01/21 12:38] Strangie Vaher: I think there should be
[2011/01/21 12:38] Erich Templar: Do we have connections with other educational groups in SL?
[2011/01/21 12:38] DeeDee Bookmite: I see a need for control of things like terraforming
[2011/01/21 12:39] MarionGE Resident: Are we the only sim who are also a RL group?
[2011/01/21 12:39] Erich Templar: No, Marion, I know of others.
[2011/01/21 12:39] Tori Landau: ones where the island is paid for by someone else, not the teneants, plus if it was owned by eductaional establishment... all the better
[2011/01/21 12:39] Tori Landau: excuse typos, i'm brain dead
[2011/01/21 12:39] Strangie Vaher: I'm pretty sure the vampires are only SL
[2011/01/21 12:39] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[2011/01/21 12:40] Prash Mavendorf: are you sure strangie?
[2011/01/21 12:40] Tori Landau: lol strnagie
[2011/01/21 12:40] MarionGE Resident: only pretty sure?
[2011/01/21 12:40] DeeDee Bookmite: the fairies are real though
[2011/01/21 12:40] Prash Mavendorf: i become a vampire by day in RL. lol.
[2011/01/21 12:40] Elsa Dickins: CQ that comes back to risk again - the steering committee don't have a solution in mind that they want you to reach, and you only get to pass go if you manage to map to their secret plan, they want the ideas to be yours but want to knwo that whatever solution is proposed you have identified the risk
[2011/01/21 12:40] Strangie Vaher: do you sparkle?
[2011/01/21 12:40] Elsa Dickins: so if no-one has any land responsibilities, what are the risks?
[2011/01/21 12:41] Jonno Stromfield: lol - that we have to pay you, Elsa
[2011/01/21 12:41] Elsa Dickins: if it's a giant sandbox theya re pretty low because any griefing will be autoreturned anyway
[2011/01/21 12:41] Elsa Dickins: lol J
[2011/01/21 12:41] Prash Mavendorf: anarchy.
[2011/01/21 12:41] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[2011/01/21 12:41] Hatshepsut Linette: nothing happens or everyone does their own thing
[2011/01/21 12:41] Hatshepsut Linette: and neither is good
[2011/01/21 12:41] Elsa Dickins: but there would also be a risk that it would be an unexciting island, so you would need to be more active about events and making sure prople know when other people are around
[2011/01/21 12:41] Prash Mavendorf: or people will fight about what should be done.
[2011/01/21 12:41] Elsa Dickins: so that the space is defined by its socialness
[2011/01/21 12:42] Elsa Dickins: new word that, socialness
[2011/01/21 12:42] Eli Larsson: looks like sockless
[2011/01/21 12:42] Jonno Stromfield: sociability? whatever, we know what you mean
[2011/01/21 12:42] Leornian Naidoo: nice word!
[2011/01/21 12:42] Prash Mavendorf: socialites.
[2011/01/21 12:42] Strangie Vaher: I think if you're talking about redesigning, I'd be happy with a few apartment blocks around a central party plaza. Now what does that remind me of?
[2011/01/21 12:42] Tori Landau: looks up phone number for oxford english dictionary
[2011/01/21 12:42] Prash Mavendorf: we need a central perks here.
[2011/01/21 12:42] Elsa Dickins: prople is also a new word, roughly translates as people
[2011/01/21 12:42] Leornian Naidoo: Sholokov
[2011/01/21 12:42] Strangie Vaher: :-)
[2011/01/21 12:43] Prash Mavendorf: proople?
[2011/01/21 12:43] DeeDee Bookmite: I like the idea of plots so people can build their own 'space'
[2011/01/21 12:43] Prash Mavendorf: the new google of SL?
[2011/01/21 12:43] Commander Quandry: it's proper people - verified OUers
[2011/01/21 12:43] Rocky Joans: I game for any perks
[2011/01/21 12:43] DeeDee Bookmite: the allotments were very sociable
[2011/01/21 12:43] Elsa Dickins: Strangie there was a reason why we moved on from that - it worked for the area we had on schomebase, but on a whole island it leaves a lot of island empty
[2011/01/21 12:43] Hatshepsut Linette: around central space for events /sandbox
[2011/01/21 12:43] Commander Quandry: only a proper can vote
[2011/01/21 12:43] Elsa Dickins: whereas the setup we have here allowed for many more houses
[2011/01/21 12:43] DeeDee Bookmite: a proper what CQ?
[2011/01/21 12:44] Strangie Vaher: i know. i just miss it.
[2011/01/21 12:44] Commander Quandry: prople sorry
[2011/01/21 12:44] Elsa Dickins: of course it aybe that you think the earlier model was better with less houses - would be interested to see it revert and see what happens next
[2011/01/21 12:44] DeeDee Bookmite: :)
[2011/01/21 12:44] Elsa Dickins: yes me too :)
[2011/01/21 12:44] Jonno Stromfield: prople = proper people
[2011/01/21 12:44] DeeDee Bookmite: ah
[2011/01/21 12:44] Shailey Garfield: is the SL community that I have come across and set up by Chris Collins (RL educator) and is on Twitter with her SL name Fleep Tuque
[2011/01/21 12:44] Elsa Dickins: yes, you have to be a prople to vote
[2011/01/21 12:44] MarionGE Resident: I love my house but I think they do isolate people. I think having something like the beach huts for changing and allotments could work
[2011/01/21 12:44] Tori Landau: prOUple = proper OU people? ;P
[2011/01/21 12:44] Hatshepsut Linette: if we started simple we could always add as needed/desired
[2011/01/21 12:44] Rocky Joans: Maybe we should only allow prople - no cats and birds
[2011/01/21 12:44] Prash Mavendorf: am liking it tori.
[2011/01/21 12:45] Prash Mavendorf: prouple society.
[2011/01/21 12:45] Elsa Dickins: but that is still managed by Fleep Shailey
[2011/01/21 12:45] Jonno Stromfield: we can't modify our houses to open them up at the moment marion
[2011/01/21 12:45] Hennamono Morpork: How about replace houses with plots? Put building of choice or keep open like an allotment at will?
[2011/01/21 12:45] Erich Templar cams out to check the size of the island
[2011/01/21 12:45] Jonno Stromfield: exactly, Henn
[2011/01/21 12:45] Hatshepsut Linette: and I think we need to put trust in some of our fellow Ouers to do things for us
[2011/01/21 12:45] Tori Landau: agree henn
[2011/01/21 12:45] Leornian Naidoo: Yes Hats
[2011/01/21 12:45] Elsa Dickins: I like that idea but again you have to nail the bit about who administrates the land management
[2011/01/21 12:46] Commander Quandry: Are these things that have to be decided by March?
[2011/01/21 12:46] Commander Quandry: Surely these sort of things are for after the handover
[2011/01/21 12:46] Titiana Haystack: i think disparate housing would look awful, and pouple would still hide inside them (like what I do)
[2011/01/21 12:46] Jonno Stromfield: I'd like to see some of the housing restriction relaxed before then. Any chance?
[2011/01/21 12:46] DeeDee Bookmite: I think terraforming and permissions etc should be entrusted to a few people but the whole community can do things for themselves surely
[2011/01/21 12:46] Commander Quandry: we should be deciding now about how we get to the point where we can make these choices
[2011/01/21 12:46] Commander Quandry: I am right Elsa?
[2011/01/21 12:46] Jonno Stromfield: at least make it Christmas rules
[2011/01/21 12:46] Strangie Vaher: Don't they have to know who they're handing over to?
[2011/01/21 12:47] Elsa Dickins: what has to be decided by March is a plan that demonstrates how you will move forward, so if you decide to have three people who are gods and will decide on the fate of the rest of the island, we need to know that, not necessarily what theya re going to decide
[2011/01/21 12:47] Hatshepsut Linette: I would think so Strangie
[2011/01/21 12:47] Prash Mavendorf: can we create a group called the Frouple Society?
[2011/01/21 12:47] Elsa Dickins: (although of course we'd need to see the risks attached to that idea blah blah blah)
[2011/01/21 12:47] Elsa Dickins: yes CQ, right
[2011/01/21 12:47] Strangie Vaher: So what would be a reasonable number of people to be in charge with various rights?
[2011/01/21 12:47] Prash Mavendorf: 5
[2011/01/21 12:47] Lazarus Loxely: 5
[2011/01/21 12:48] Commander Quandry: 5
[2011/01/21 12:48] Prash Mavendorf: echo.
[2011/01/21 12:48] Jonno Stromfield: 0
[2011/01/21 12:48] Prash Mavendorf: 0 ^ 1
[2011/01/21 12:48] Kered Rickena: 5
[2011/01/21 12:48] Hatshepsut Linette: I would be happy with 5
[2011/01/21 12:48] Commander Quandry: Jonno - there has to be at least 1
[2011/01/21 12:48] Strangie Vaher: and accounting for people being unavailable?
[2011/01/21 12:48] Erich Templar: 5 would be good, but I'm not convinced we will find 5 people willing to commit the time.
[2011/01/21 12:48] Hennamono Morpork: I'd say more but looks like I'm outvoted
[2011/01/21 12:48] Jonno Stromfield: why do the people with rights have to be in charge?
[2011/01/21 12:48] Commander Quandry: I think we can find 5
[2011/01/21 12:48] Prash Mavendorf: if 5 isn't enough, we can increase it after the next review.
[2011/01/21 12:48] Tori Landau: Currently, how many people technically would be needed to act as estate managers to keep the time involved fair for those who become the estate managers?
[2011/01/21 12:48] Elsbeth Biedermann: I would say 7
[2011/01/21 12:48] Strangie Vaher: I think 10. So they would be less stressed to find the time
[2011/01/21 12:48] Jonno Stromfield: Strangie, it was your question
[2011/01/21 12:48] Prash Mavendorf: if it is too much, we can shoot them all.
[2011/01/21 12:48] Commander Quandry: in charge of control - not in charge od how things change
[2011/01/21 12:49] Aseret Quintessa: 2
[2011/01/21 12:49] Commander Quandry: of*
[2011/01/21 12:49] DeeDee Bookmite: I think 3 max
[2011/01/21 12:49] Jonno Stromfield: okay, CQ - thanks for the clarification - 3
[2011/01/21 12:49] Titiana Haystack: in charge of SERVICE
[2011/01/21 12:49] Hennamono Morpork: 12 good Outopians and true...
[2011/01/21 12:49] DeeDee Bookmite: unless they are going to run the whole show themselves
[2011/01/21 12:49] Erich Templar: Yes, service not decisions.
[2011/01/21 12:49] Strangie Vaher: that's what I mean
[2011/01/21 12:49] Jonno Stromfield: if all they are doing is administering the perms, 3 should be enough
[2011/01/21 12:49] Elsa Dickins issues a gentle reminder of the time: ten minutes left for asking me questions before I turn into a pumpkin or something else that goes to bed with the ipad and a cup of tea
[2011/01/21 12:50] Strangie Vaher: enough people to keep it ticking
[2011/01/21 12:50] Erich Templar: It's more than just perms, Jonno. It's general upkeep.
[2011/01/21 12:50] Prash Mavendorf: did u know i turn back into a labrat in 10 minutes?
[2011/01/21 12:50] Strangie Vaher: a couple spares for emergency
[2011/01/21 12:50] Hatshepsut Linette: I would be happy to help timewise - and I stress help not make decisions
[2011/01/21 12:50] Titiana Haystack: most of us say 5, and it could be reviewed latger
[2011/01/21 12:50] Jonno Stromfield: Why Erich? Can't others help with upkeep?
[2011/01/21 12:50] Strangie Vaher: 5 sounds ok then
[2011/01/21 12:50] Hennamono Morpork: Better any decision than none
[2011/01/21 12:51] Lazarus Loxely: agreed
[2011/01/21 12:51] Hatshepsut Linette: yes we need to move forward
[2011/01/21 12:51] Strangie Vaher: not me though
[2011/01/21 12:51] Leornian Naidoo: Yes Henna time will tell if 5 is enough
[2011/01/21 12:51] Strangie Vaher: i'm unreliable
[2011/01/21 12:51] Rocky Joans: For those old enough to remember "I'll give it 5!"
[2011/01/21 12:51] MarionGE Resident: I know the steering group don't have a set number of avartars for us to continue but do they have an ideal number they would like to see catered for by the sim?
[2011/01/21 12:51] Jonno Stromfield: lol
[2011/01/21 12:51] Titiana Haystack: oil give it foive
[2011/01/21 12:51] Erich Templar laughs
[2011/01/21 12:51] Commander Quandry: Elsa - what you want on the forum, I am guessing, is a few proper laid out propositions of manangement with risk assessment built in
[2011/01/21 12:52] Rocky Joans: Yes Tits, you remember
[2011/01/21 12:52] Commander Quandry: then discussion and voting?
[2011/01/21 12:52] Eli Larsson: lol
[2011/01/21 12:52] Hatshepsut Linette: me too - Janice
[2011/01/21 12:52] Commander Quandry: am I right?
[2011/01/21 12:52] Elsa Dickins: Marion - no there have been no numbers raised in our discussions
[2011/01/21 12:52] Strangie Vaher: so, should people put themselves forward?
[2011/01/21 12:52] Elsa Dickins: yes CQ, that would be a good way to prgoress
[2011/01/21 12:52] Lazarus Loxely: i thought pull the names out of a hat
[2011/01/21 12:52] Strangie Vaher: by email or on the site or something
[2011/01/21 12:52] Erich Templar: I think we need a clearer idea of what their duties will be first.
[2011/01/21 12:52] Erich Templar: (Responding to Strangie)
[2011/01/21 12:52] Jonno Stromfield: there's a meeting a week on Monday. But if you want to throw your name in the ring, go ahead
[2011/01/21 12:52] Strangie Vaher: we need varied skills
[2011/01/21 12:53] Elsa Dickins: use the space for discussions but aim to have maybe three or four models by the end of next week, and then start pulling out the bits you all like best from each of them, and then a vote a week later or something
[2011/01/21 12:53] Strangie Vaher: not me dude
[2011/01/21 12:53] DeeDee Bookmite: yes I would like a clearer picture
[2011/01/21 12:53] Tori Landau: Ok, if we have 5 estate managers, what would their responsibilites be?
[2011/01/21 12:53] Shailey Garfield: yes, I agree Strangie, a good mix of RL and SL skills
[2011/01/21 12:53] Commander Quandry: OK - off to use Word - other word processors are available
[2011/01/21 12:53] Prash Mavendorf: managing the estate?
[2011/01/21 12:53] DeeDee Bookmite: because until we do, how do we know how many we need
[2011/01/21 12:53] Jonno Stromfield: Thanks for the sterr, Elsa
[2011/01/21 12:53] Jonno Stromfield: steer
[2011/01/21 12:53] Rocky Joans: Important question Tori but not for now, I would say
[2011/01/21 12:53] Lazarus Loxely: texas
[2011/01/21 12:53] Hatshepsut Linette: CQ gave a pretty good idea of the 5 he suggested
[2011/01/21 12:54] Erich Templar: Oh, I must have missed that.
[2011/01/21 12:54] Prash Mavendorf: responsible for building, maintenance, audio streams, assigning residencies. Hiring and firing.
[2011/01/21 12:54] DeeDee Bookmite: hmm me too
[2011/01/21 12:54] Prash Mavendorf: etc etc.
[2011/01/21 12:54] DeeDee Bookmite: no
[2011/01/21 12:54] Erich Templar: Ok, ty.
[2011/01/21 12:54] Prash Mavendorf: imo that is.
[2011/01/21 12:54] DeeDee Bookmite: :)
[2011/01/21 12:54] DeeDee Bookmite: no in mine :)
[2011/01/21 12:54] Tori Landau: i'm just thinking of what other roles might be required depending on what the estate managers would do
[2011/01/21 12:54] MarionGE Resident: Just as a general question to us. How many people do we want the sim to carry in the long term? 100, 200, 1000?
[2011/01/21 12:54] Hennamono Morpork: Not keen on the job model - it failed before
[2011/01/21 12:54] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[2011/01/21 12:55] Tori Landau: and how that would lead into the plan
[2011/01/21 12:55] Lazarus Loxely: 25 - 30
[2011/01/21 12:55] Prash Mavendorf: another 1000 years would be nice.
[2011/01/21 12:55] Jonno Stromfield: Marion - you can't get more than 40 people on a sim
[2011/01/21 12:55] Prash Mavendorf: didn't we have about 90 over a year ago?
[2011/01/21 12:55] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: We had 100 on OU this time last year.
[2011/01/21 12:55] Hennamono Morpork: 60 I thought
[2011/01/21 12:55] DeeDee Bookmite: too many and the place will be lagged out
[2011/01/21 12:55] Jonno Stromfield: it grinds to a halt over that sort of number
[2011/01/21 12:55] Strangie Vaher: 39 plus my hair
[2011/01/21 12:55] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[2011/01/21 12:55] Titiana Haystack: lol
[2011/01/21 12:55] Lazarus Loxely: so 60 then lol
[2011/01/21 12:55] Hatshepsut Linette: 40 to 50 max
[2011/01/21 12:55] Prash Mavendorf: did ur hair cater for 60 av's strangie?
[2011/01/21 12:55] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[2011/01/21 12:55] Jonno Stromfield: if they are naked, and have no scripts running, Henn. Yes you can get 60
[2011/01/21 12:56] Elsa Dickins: yes for anyone who isn't aware, you can have a max of 100 people on the island at any one time
[2011/01/21 12:56] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Don;t believe everything you read Jonno. Performance was pretty good when we were at capacity.
[2011/01/21 12:56] Strangie Vaher: it's damn fine hair
[2011/01/21 12:56] Titiana Haystack: but no one is ever all on at once (if that makes sense)
[2011/01/21 12:56] Elsa Dickins: and that makes it quite laggy for anyone without a top end connection (me included)
[2011/01/21 12:56] Commander Quandry: I didn't propose a job modle
[2011/01/21 12:56] Elsa Dickins: but you can have a much bigger community than that ticking over, just not all at once
[2011/01/21 12:56] Commander Quandry: I proposed councillor with portfolios - they do not do the work - they facilitate it
[2011/01/21 12:56] Jonno Stromfield: I remember what happened when OUtopia opened a year last halloween
[2011/01/21 12:56] Jonno Stromfield: don't you Kick?
[2011/01/21 12:56] Lazarus Loxely: could we hid invitations to be estate managers in chocolate bars in the form of golden tickets?
[2011/01/21 12:56] MarionGE Resident: So basically we don't want to grow too much or if everyone turns up for the general voting meeting we're doomed
[2011/01/21 12:56] Commander Quandry: the community does the work in smaller groups
[2011/01/21 12:57] DeeDee Bookmite: what do you mean by facilitate CQ?
[2011/01/21 12:57] Hennamono Morpork: Ok CQ - I'd agree with that
[2011/01/21 12:57] Elsa Dickins: lol Lazarus
[2011/01/21 12:57] Tori Landau: facilitate, not rule i'm guessing
[2011/01/21 12:57] Strangie Vaher: LOL @ not grow too much. We're tryin' not to die here.
[2011/01/21 12:57] Erich Templar: Make sure things get done, I think, DeeDee
[2011/01/21 12:57] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yes Jonno. And I also remember the incident I described. Is this going anywhere productive?
[2011/01/21 12:57] Commander Quandry: I mean they hold the keys to allow people wanting to do things do to them.
[2011/01/21 12:57] Jonno Stromfield: no
[2011/01/21 12:58] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: :-)
[2011/01/21 12:58] Shailey Garfield: perhaps fixed term roles; so there is a rotation of roles and people after every X months?
[2011/01/21 12:58] Jonno Stromfield: just saying that 1000 OUtopians is out
[2011/01/21 12:58] Commander Quandry: So we don't leave terraforming on - we turn it one when the community decides it wants it and someone can do it
[2011/01/21 12:58] Elsa Dickins: yes, I think worry about growing too much if/when it happens - if you were in that situation the OU would be delighted and would be interested in helping out I'm sure
[2011/01/21 12:58] Erich Templar: Yes, we can worry about the perils of success later.
[2011/01/21 12:58] Hennamono Morpork: No limit to OUtopians - just how mant at once surely?
[2011/01/21 12:58] Strangie Vaher: don't leave terraforming on while i'm around. I make big-ass mountains by mistake
[2011/01/21 12:58] Jonno Stromfield: Yes, henn
[2011/01/21 12:59] MarionGE Resident: I'm just thinking if we need to advertise to get more people in here then we also need to worry can we cater for everyone who might sign up
[2011/01/21 12:59] Lazarus Loxely: ass mountains?
[2011/01/21 12:59] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Yes Henn.
[2011/01/21 12:59] Hatshepsut Linette: I suggested having newer avs as apprentices for helping with work so they also learn how to do things so they can take over after few months etc
[2011/01/21 12:59] Lazarus Loxely: awesome!
[2011/01/21 12:59] Jonno Stromfield: Agree hats
[2011/01/21 12:59] Hatshepsut Linette: so rotation of roles
[2011/01/21 12:59] Tori Landau: perosonal level, if we had an exhibition area that changed evry month and chnaged things even in boundary areas bewteen r.g. plots and events space, that could help with pople coming back
[2011/01/21 12:59] Elsa Dickins: there will be a new student event in Feb - look ot for lots and lots of noubies wandering around
[2011/01/21 12:59] DeeDee Bookmite: keeping a regular community is important, rather than many AVs who just visit and aren't seen again
[2011/01/21 12:59] Elsa Dickins: and feel free to leap in with positive things about being a member of the OUtopia community :)
[2011/01/21 12:59] Hatshepsut Linette: agreed DeeDee
[2011/01/21 13:00] Rocky Joans: What's the date Elsa?
[2011/01/21 13:00] Elsa Dickins: all of Feb Rocky
[2011/01/21 13:00] Rocky Joans: Ta
[2011/01/21 13:00] Elsa Dickins: asynch, so they could be around at any time
[2011/01/21 13:00] Hennamono Morpork: Sounds like trying to run a OUSA branch, Deedee...
[2011/01/21 13:00] Prash Mavendorf: can i suggest something?
[2011/01/21 13:00] Rocky Joans: I'm in S America and Antarctica the second half :)
[2011/01/21 13:00] MarionGE Resident: Once my courses start proper I'm going to be a concerted Sl campaign on my course forums
[2011/01/21 13:00] Titiana Haystack: no
[2011/01/21 13:00] Jonno Stromfield: go for it, Prash
[2011/01/21 13:00] Strangie Vaher: no it's 9:01
[2011/01/21 13:00] Prash Mavendorf: can we have a euro-tunnel style thing between islands?
[2011/01/21 13:00] Prash Mavendorf: pfff
[2011/01/21 13:00] Lazarus Loxely: only if you wear a bra on your head
[2011/01/21 13:00] Strangie Vaher: lol
[2011/01/21 13:01] Prash Mavendorf: it's 8:59 according to my clock. lol.
[2011/01/21 13:01] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: That brings up the subject of participation Tori. Need to avoid the mindset where everyone expects lots of stuff to be around/happening while hardly anyone actually does it. Applies to exhbitions and also to simply being on the island.
[2011/01/21 13:01] Strangie Vaher: didn't we try that already?
[2011/01/21 13:01] Elsa Dickins: Rocky you have upset the chicken by mentioning Antarctica
[2011/01/21 13:01] Prash Mavendorf: dunno. did we?
[2011/01/21 13:01] Eli Larsson: Antarctica ....... sigh...... :-)
[2011/01/21 13:01] Strangie Vaher: oop no. it was a bridge
[2011/01/21 13:01] Tori Landau: True Kick... my inner artist taking over
[2011/01/21 13:01] Rocky Joans: Why don't chcikens like the cold?
[2011/01/21 13:01] Strangie Vaher: a really really long bridge
[2011/01/21 13:01] Prash Mavendorf: because they would plucky. lol.
[2011/01/21 13:01] Lazarus Loxely: i got one of them
[2011/01/21 13:01] Eli Larsson: to get to the other ide
[2011/01/21 13:01] Erich Templar: For the same reason that they like to cross roads?
[2011/01/21 13:02] Jonno Stromfield groans in advance to get it over with
[2011/01/21 13:02] Erich Templar laughs
[2011/01/21 13:02] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Why did the chicken go to the gents?
[2011/01/21 13:02] Elsa Dickins sighs
[2011/01/21 13:02] Erich Templar: I think the meeting is over.
[2011/01/21 13:02] Erich Templar: :-)
[2011/01/21 13:02] Rocky Joans: Sorry I meant why had I upset the chickens - not starting a joke :)
[2011/01/21 13:02] Tori Landau: enlighten us then Kick
[2011/01/21 13:02] Jonno Stromfield: Thanks, Elsa and kick
[2011/01/21 13:02] Hennamono Morpork: I've got to go certainly - bye people!
[2011/01/21 13:02] Prash Mavendorf: thanks guys.
[2011/01/21 13:02] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Becaue that's where the c*cks hang out.
[2011/01/21 13:02] Erich Templar: Bye Henna
[2011/01/21 13:02] Hatshepsut Linette: bye henn
[2011/01/21 13:02] Jonno Stromfield: Bye, henn
[2011/01/21 13:02] Prash Mavendorf: bye henn.
[2011/01/21 13:02] MarionGE Resident: bye henn
[2011/01/21 13:02] Prash Mavendorf: nice seeing u.
[2011/01/21 13:02] Tori Landau: just looked at forum - it's all set out very well
[2011/01/21 13:02] Rocky Joans: Good meeting I felt - chuckies apart
[2011/01/21 13:02] Aseret Quintessa: bye
[2011/01/21 13:03] Strangie Vaher: so we've agreed "5"
[2011/01/21 13:03] MarionGE Resident: Thanks elsa and kick
[2011/01/21 13:03] Leornian Naidoo: Thanks for coming Elsa
[2011/01/21 13:03] Elsa Dickins: Happy to do another live Q&A at some point but am going to be away now from Monday until 5th Feb
[2011/01/21 13:03] Strangie Vaher: it's a start
[2011/01/21 13:03] Tori Landau: will be great for pulling plan togeterh more
[2011/01/21 13:03] Lazarus Loxely: bye all who are off
[2011/01/21 13:03] Rocky Joans: Nepal?
[2011/01/21 13:03] Hatshepsut Linette: bye to those going
[2011/01/21 13:03] Jonno Stromfield: It'll need to be proposed and voted on probably Strangie, but that's the consensus
[2011/01/21 13:03] DeeDee Bookmite: yes ty and bye
[2011/01/21 13:03] Leornian Naidoo: yes bye from me too
[2011/01/21 13:03] Elsa Dickins: Kick will watch the forum and I can input there through him if needed (Kick - please mail me accordingly!)
[2011/01/21 13:03] Strangie Vaher: oh yeah. the official stuff
[2011/01/21 13:03] Elsa Dickins: no Rocky, Cambodia
[2011/01/21 13:03] Jonno Stromfield: and risk analysed of course
[2011/01/21 13:03] Hatshepsut Linette: its 11 pm gone here so I need to be off too
[2011/01/21 13:03] Aseret Quintessa: bye
[2011/01/21 13:04] Hatshepsut Linette: night all
[2011/01/21 13:04] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: Agreed Jonno.... needs to be continued on forum so there's a proper visible record of discussion.
[2011/01/21 13:04] Eli Larsson: sigh ....
[2011/01/21 13:04] Erich Templar: Bye Hats
[2011/01/21 13:04] Leornian Naidoo: night Hats
[2011/01/21 13:04] Jonno Stromfield: bye
[2011/01/21 13:04] Kered Rickena: bye
[2011/01/21 13:04] Rocky Joans: I didn't realise a revolution was planned there :) I
[2011/01/21 13:04] Elsbeth Biedermann: bye Hatty
[2011/01/21 13:04] Elsa Dickins: all chickens are staying at home
[2011/01/21 13:04] Titiana Haystack: bye bye all
[2011/01/21 13:04] Elsa Dickins: LOL
[2011/01/21 13:04] Eli Larsson: LOL !
[2011/01/21 13:04] Prash Mavendorf: bye whoever is going.
[2011/01/21 13:04] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[2011/01/21 13:04] Elsbeth Biedermann: who to anyone going
[2011/01/21 13:04] Elsbeth Biedermann: can't keep up here lol
[2011/01/21 13:04] Rocky Joans: I have vague plans for a trip to the three Indo China countries
[2011/01/21 13:04] Strangie Vaher: spose I'd better try to finish one of these bloody courses.
[2011/01/21 13:04] Titiana Haystack is Offline
[2011/01/21 13:04] Eli Larsson: keep an eye on the new Rocky
[2011/01/21 13:04] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: I suspect I am seeing chat in mixed up order
[2011/01/21 13:04] Eli Larsson: *news
[2011/01/21 13:04] Rocky Joans: I'm old not new
[2011/01/21 13:05] Tori Landau: lol, i was thinking the same Kick
[2011/01/21 13:05] Eli Larsson: lol
[2011/01/21 13:05] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: tsk - and I was about to ask you for your log Tori
[2011/01/21 13:05] Jonno Stromfield: perhaps chatting in a mixed up order we are
[2011/01/21 13:05] Strangie Vaher: Is anyone else seeing chat in the wrong order?
[2011/01/21 13:05] Elsa Dickins: we should talk about it in email Rocky - you'll love it
[2011/01/21 13:05] Strangie Vaher: jus kiddin
[2011/01/21 13:05] Lazarus Loxely: kick right be could you
[2011/01/21 13:05] Kickaha Wolfenhaut: !em ton
[2011/01/21 13:05] Aseret Quintessa: yes wrong order
[2011/01/21 13:06] Strangie Vaher: order wrong in
[2011/01/21 13:06] Lazarus Loxely: wrorder
[2011/01/21 13:06] Elsa Dickins: OK am off, lovely to see everyone and I hope this is going to be the point at which it all starts to come right
[2011/01/21 13:06] Tori Landau: i blame kick for it
[2011/01/21 13:06] Erich Templar: Bye Elsa, and thanks
[2011/01/21 13:06] Elsbeth Biedermann: thanks Elsa
[2011/01/21 13:06] Commander Quandry: TTFN
[2011/01/21 13:06] DeeDee Bookmite: bye Elsa
[2011/01/21 13:06] Jonno Stromfield: i'll settle for comes together
[2011/01/21 13:06] Elsbeth Biedermann: night night xox
[2011/01/21 13:06] Lazarus Loxely: thanks Elsa bye, have fun!
[2011/01/21 13:06] Tori Landau: night Elsa and thanks
[2011/01/21 13:06] Elsa Dickins: take care y'all :)
[2011/01/21 13:06] Rocky Joans: Thanks Elsa for all your effortsd - enjoy Cambodia

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