Monday, February 28, 2011

Chat log of community meeting on 27th February 2011

Meeting 27/02/2011 on village Green

Laz not in control but here's what was said...

[12:01] Lazarus Loxely: **** Meeting Begins!! ****
[12:01] Lazarus Loxely: that makes it easier for me to find the
start for chat log lol
[12:01] DeeDee Bookmite: looks terribly serious
[12:02] Lazarus Loxely: so congrats again to Hats on winning
[12:02] Hatshepsut Linette: ty
[12:02] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): yes
[12:02] Lazarus Loxely: i have a copy of her plan in NC format if
anyone wants it, let me know
[12:02] Hatshepsut Linette: but I think we need to thank everyone
for taking pat
[12:02] Hatshepsut Linette: part*
[12:02] DeeDee Bookmite: I have it minimised in documents
[12:02] Lazarus Loxely: shush no time for being polite wiht me in
[12:02] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[12:02] Elsbeth Biedermann: absolutely... there are a lot of people
who have put in a lot of work
[12:02] Lazarus Loxely: you won accept the plaudits ;)
[12:02] Elsbeth Biedermann shuts up again
[12:03] Lazarus Loxely: not you ya-ya c'mon this is serious stuff
[12:03] Commander Quandry: Snowball
[12:03] Hennamono Morpork is Online
[12:03] Lilac Magic (lilac.lupindo): exactly. everyone who submitted
a plan worked very hard. but well done Hats.
[12:03] Hatshepsut Linette: bows politely
[12:03] MarionGE is Online
[12:04] Lazarus Loxely: so we have 2 days to make any changes, first
topic/s is does it need any? and what?
[12:04] Lazarus Loxely: let the melee commence
[12:04] Hatshepsut Linette: I think it needs quite a bit of guff
[12:04] Lazarus Loxely sits back and scoffs his dinner
[12:04] Hatshepsut Linette: and as I wrote it I guess its my job to
tidy up the extra explanations
[12:04] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): needs risk assessments
[12:05] Lazarus Loxely votes for that
[12:05] Hatshepsut Linette: yes I agree
[12:05] Lazarus Loxely: i do like a volunteer
[12:05] Hatshepsut Linette: risk needed and a few other things
[12:05] Hatshepsut Linette: a few decisions
[12:06] Xara Thespian: gone quiet
[12:06] Aseret Quintessa: yes it has
[12:06] Hatshepsut Linette: anyone want to offer ideas on risks?
[12:06] Hatshepsut Linette: if I may br chairman
[12:06] Hatshepsut Linette: mr*
[12:06] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): just getting the plan up
[12:06] Aseret Quintessa: aren't all the risks named still
applicable Hats
[12:06] Lazarus Loxely: yep i aint pulling teeth as I said before
lets all go at it
[12:07] Aseret Quintessa: the ones from all the plans
[12:07] Hatshepsut Linette: some I suppose are relevant - have not
checked to see if all are
[12:07] Hatshepsut Linette: not enough time unfortunately sindce
result was issued
[12:07] Xara Thespian: yes
[12:07] Lazarus Loxely: v.true
[12:08] DeeDee Bookmite: it is important that the OU cover their
[12:08] Hatshepsut Linette: yes Dee
[12:08] DeeDee Bookmite: yes we didn't have much time
[12:08] Hennamono Morpork: Excuse me if I seem a bit vacant - trying
to juggle being here and cooking!
[12:08] Xara Thespian: and the OU will want us to cover their backs
[12:08] MarionGE: can't remember what your plan has on griefing etc
[12:09] Hatshepsut Linette: not a lot to be honest - because we do
not know how much time Niall plans to be in world or what he will let
us do
[12:09] Hatshepsut Linette: that is one of the biggest stumbling
[12:09] DeeDee Bookmite: bullying, people sticking to the OU rules
etc all that needs sorted
[12:09] Xara Thespian: griefing bullying etc
[12:09] DeeDee Bookmite: yes pity Niall couldn't be here
[12:09] Lazarus Loxely: do we need to leave this till tomorrow night
to re-read the plan and come prepared as up till an hour ago we didnt
know which had won
[12:10] Xara Thespian: time has run out just about
[12:10] Lilac Magic (lilac.lupindo): I think that's good idea
[12:10] DeeDee Bookmite: I am out all day tomorrow with my husband
so might not make it
[12:10] Xara Thespian: yes
[12:10] Hatshepsut Linette: depends on whether Outopians will be
given permission to do things for themselves re dealing with problems
[12:10] DeeDee Bookmite: if we are leaving I think we should have
more than one day
[12:10] Hatshepsut Linette: and no-one has told us that yet
[12:11] Hatshepsut Linette: I will certainly tidy things up and try
to add what I can tomorrow during the day
[12:11] Lazarus Loxely: i dont think OU will want to have any kind
of hands on approach, just my opinion
[12:11] DeeDee Bookmite: no I agree
[12:11] Hatshepsut Linette: I tend to agree - but we need to know
[12:11] MarionGE: Can we submit what we have and tell them we'll
work on it for the next meeting? Then they can come back to us on
issues where they have an opinion
[12:11] DeeDee Bookmite: I think they want us to take responsibility
[12:11] Xara Thespian: Well yhats what Niall said
[12:11] Aseret Quintessa: have none of the other plans any ideas
that could be incorporated with their agreement of course
[12:12] DeeDee Bookmite: of course people can go higher than the
Outopian people in charge if they have big problems
[12:12] Aseret Quintessa: for risk, griefing and any points that
need covering?
[12:12] Hatshepsut Linette: also true Dee
[12:12] Aseret Quintessa: to save you time Hats
[12:12] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): the ability to eject needs to
be a specific hands
[12:12] Hatshepsut Linette: I will certainly re-read things tomorrow
[12:12] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): not everyone can
[12:12] MarionGE: I'm happy for you to nick anything you like
[12:12] Hatshepsut Linette: thank you Marion
[12:13] Lazarus Loxely: do all plan proposers here tonight feel the
[12:13] Lazarus Loxely: can anything good be nicked?
[12:13] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): yes for me
[12:13] DeeDee Bookmite: all possession is theft
[12:13] Aseret Quintessa: lol
[12:13] DeeDee Bookmite: or something
[12:14] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): but ask CQ
[12:14] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): as well
[12:14] Hatshepsut Linette: CQ?
[12:14] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): sorry dog on knee
[12:14] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[12:14] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): typing difficult
[12:15] Hatshepsut Linette: I have some questions Mr chariman if I
[12:15] MarionGE: Do we absolutely need the definitive plan tomorrow
or can an interim one suffice?
[12:15] Lazarus Loxely: just go for it lol
[12:16] Commander Quandry: I put my proposal forward to be used by
the community. I do not own it, and you can have any of it you want.
[12:16] Lazarus Loxely: any plan is interim i think
[12:16] Lazarus Loxely: thanks CQ
[12:16] Aseret Quintessa: the plan has to be in March 2nd Marion
[12:16] Hatshepsut Linette: the interim is very messy as it is
Marion it needs tidying
[12:16] Xara Thespian: I think it was to be a proper proposal
[12:16] Hatshepsut Linette: extra explanations sorting and putting
inot better order
[12:16] Hatshepsut Linette: into*
[12:17] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): I think if you use the fromat
Marion used for all the plans
[12:17] Lazarus Loxely: i dont think anything is set in stone
though, if it isn't working after a period i am sure they wont stop
us changing anything
[12:17] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): that would work
[12:17] Hatshepsut Linette: but I need to ask the group about number
of meeting people would like to see
[12:17] Hatshepsut Linette: as I left that very open
[12:17] Hatshepsut Linette: monthly, bi-monthly etc
[12:17] Aseret Quintessa: you mean community meetings Hats?
[12:17] Hatshepsut Linette: yes
[12:18] Aseret Quintessa: I think one a month but would come more if
need be
[12:18] DeeDee Bookmite: going by tonights numbers best not set it
too high
[12:18] Elsbeth Biedermann: I think monthly at least at first
[12:18] Xara Thespian: more at the beginning?
[12:18] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[12:18] Hatshepsut Linette: monthly at first would be my vote too
[12:18] Elsbeth Biedermann: maybe less later
[12:18] Hatshepsut Linette: ok
[12:18] Xara Thespian: then less as things sort out
[12:18] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): next question
[12:18] Hatshepsut Linette: will put that down now
[12:18] Elsbeth Biedermann: we don't need to be bogged down later on
[12:18] DeeDee Bookmite: yes once things are established it
shouldn't take lots of meetings
[12:18] Xara Thespian: no
[12:18] Aseret Quintessa: no not at all
[12:19] Hatshepsut Linette: also open was number of facilitators
(land managers) suggest we have 3 plus rep and events co-ord to make
the 5
[12:19] Shailey Garfield: Xara, good to see you in the local chat
although I can't see you
[12:19] DeeDee Bookmite: the 5 what?
[12:19] Xara Thespian: hello
[12:19] Hatshepsut Linette: the 3 min and 5 max I wrote down
[12:19] Xara Thespian: Is that going top be enough
[12:19] Hatshepsut Linette: as being under facilitators
[12:20] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): has to 3 minimum
[12:20] Elsbeth Biedermann: if it's a choice of 3 or 5, I'd go for 5
[12:20] DeeDee Bookmite: 5 with land rights you mean?
[12:20] Hatshepsut Linette: they are not the builders Xara they are
ones able to give permissions
[12:20] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): the more the better
[12:20] Lazarus Loxely: if we can get 5 great
[12:20] Hatshepsut Linette: ok 5
[12:20] Xara Thespian: yes but rl gets in the way a lot
[12:20] Hatshepsut Linette: will make sure I keep it to 5
[12:20] Lazarus Loxely: better 3 who are on a lot than 5 barely here
[12:21] Xara Thespian: so 5 would be my choice
[12:21] Hatshepsut Linette: also true Laz
[12:21] Commander Quandry: 5
[12:21] Lazarus Loxely: sounds like 5?
[12:21] MarionGE: Do we want to require a certain number of hours to
qualify as a land manager?
[12:21] Xara Thespian: no good if you are not about
[12:21] Aseret Quintessa: I think it has to be people who are around
a lot
[12:21] DeeDee Bookmite: hmmm perhaps, little poin having a land
manager who is never here
[12:22] DeeDee Bookmite: *point
[12:22] Hatshepsut Linette: any objections to my leaving the how we
select as it is basically - ie Niall in world, Niall selects from
recommended or voted for by group depending on what we are finally
allowed to do
[12:22] Arthur5: I was just AFK going over all the plans and one
item really stands out for me, CQ & Kereds Item 4.
[12:22] Arthur5: The ability to build on open spaces would be
available for those in the Outopia group provided that they have been
verified as having a link to the OU – Verified through the OU, alumni
or ex staff because at some point we will all become un OU verified
and I for one would not want to lose the skills of those that have
been with the OU and Outopia for a long time (risk we need a way to
verify these other people) -- not for voting as that is defined by
the OU
[12:22] Shailey Garfield: Please let the village green be there; I
absolutely love it (sorry to interrupt); I came to start a village
green and bell ringing save campaign :-)
[12:22] Lazarus Loxely: ok thanks both can we finish with
facilitators first please
[12:22] DeeDee Bookmite: if there is a village would it be a village
[12:23] DeeDee Bookmite: isn't
[12:23] DeeDee Bookmite: yes Laz, 5 then?
[12:23] Hatshepsut Linette: the sandbox bit can be green or anything
you want
[12:23] DeeDee Bookmite: purple
[12:23] Xara Thespian: yes
[12:23] Commander Quandry: I vote Orange
[12:23] Commander Quandry: or OU Blue
[12:23] Xara Thespian: seriously though
[12:23] DeeDee Bookmite: purple with blue and orange spots?
[12:24] DeeDee Bookmite: kk chair get control of your meeting ;P
[12:24] Xara Thespian: do we nrrd to get back to plan
[12:24] Xara Thespian: need
[12:24] Lazarus Loxely: tried and gave up as am wondering what
colour myself
[12:24] Hatshepsut Linette: I will post question again - any
objections to my leaving the how we select as it is basically - ie
Niall in world, Niall selects from recommended or voted for by group
depending on what we are finally allowed to do
[12:24] Hatshepsut Linette: this is the voting for the facilitators
[12:24] DeeDee Bookmite: lol Laz
[12:24] MarionGE: I think leave in the 3 but state our preference
for deciding for ourselves
[12:25] Hatshepsut Linette: yes agree
[12:25] Arthur5: Does Niall want that?
[12:25] Hatshepsut Linette: no idea Arthur that is the problem
[12:25] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): has to be voting
[12:25] Lazarus Loxely: i don't want Niall involved inworld as i
dont think he wants to be
[12:25] Xara Thespian: You could try but what Niall wants to do?
[12:25] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): naill does not know us
[12:25] Commander Quandry: I think we need to tell them what we
[12:25] Elsbeth Biedermann: brb afk sorry
[12:25] Commander Quandry: I also think that is what they are
[12:25] Lazarus Loxely: yes i say voted positions
[12:25] Xara Thespian: I feel we need to make our own way
[12:26] Hatshepsut Linette: do majority say vote only?
[12:26] Shailey Garfield: I agree, Xara
[12:26] Aseret Quintessa: I got the impression Niall wanted to leave
us to it and only be involved in any major problems
[12:26] Shailey Garfield: yes
[12:26] DeeDee Bookmite: yes he made that clear
[12:26] Lazarus Loxely: yep escalation only
[12:26] Xara Thespian: thats what came accreoos
[12:26] Xara Thespian: accross
[12:26] Hennamono Morpork: That was my understanding
[12:26] Arthur5: I know he has his own life to lead, but given the
nature of tonights meeting, he could have made the effort to attend
to guide us. I think he should be invited to.
[12:27] Lazarus Loxely: so we will vote and tell them who we have
[12:27] Xara Thespian: Why not
[12:27] MarionGE: sounds good.
[12:27] Arthur5: Sure.
[12:27] Hatshepsut Linette: just asking for comfirmation before I
alter anything so vote is the answer yes?
[12:27] Hennamono Morpork: Yes
[12:27] Aseret Quintessa: yes
[12:27] Lazarus Loxely: yes
[12:27] Arthur5: Yay
[12:27] MarionGE: yes
[12:27] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): yes
[12:27] Commander Quandry: I do not want Niall to be needed for
anything - that would be a measure of success.
I believe anyone having authority on the island should be elected.
[12:27] Shailey Garfield: yes
[12:27] Hatshepsut Linette: ok ty
[12:27] Lazarus Loxely: seconded CQ
[12:27] Shailey Garfield: yes to CQ too
[12:27] Hennamono Morpork: Agreed
[12:27] Xara Thespian: we are capable of going our own way
[12:28] Hatshepsut Linette: I think so too Xara
[12:28] DeeDee Bookmite: yes we need to be, they made that clear
[12:28] Lazarus Loxely: did you have anymore plan specific questions
[12:28] Xara Thespian: I would be happy to do what I could to help
[12:28] Arthur5: Good, and if he starts saying no to different
things, we tell him that is our decision...
[12:28] Hatshepsut Linette: next questions - terraforming - I take
it we try hard to have these permissions?
[12:29] MarionGE: yes
[12:29] Xara Thespian: well if I can do it?
[12:29] Hatshepsut Linette: I think he may object but want to try -
all agree?
[12:29] DeeDee Bookmite: I think we are getting them aren't we?
[12:29] Aseret Quintessa: the builders sorting out here would need
[12:29] Lazarus Loxely: yes
[12:29] Hennamono Morpork: Yes
[12:29] Shailey Garfield: yes, to Hats
[12:29] Arthur5: Welcome Blaze
[12:29] Commander Quandry: If we have Estate Managers they will be
able to terraform.
[12:30] Blaze Greybeard: ty
[12:30] Hatshepsut Linette: welcome Blaze
[12:30] Lazarus Loxely: i think 'some' will be allowed them but we
can ask that at the next steering comittee thingy
[12:30] MarionGE: hello Blaze
[12:30] Blaze Greybeard: hi everyone
[12:30] DeeDee Bookmite: I think the permissions come with us taking
over the running ourselves
[12:30] Hatshepsut Linette: ok will assume that is the case in what
I write
[12:30] Lazarus Loxely: yep that was my understanding Dee
[12:30] Xara Thespian: We cant go and ask Niall if we want to
flatten a hill
[12:30] Hatshepsut Linette: I agree
[12:30] Lazarus Loxely: lol exactly
[12:30] Hennamono Morpork: Agreed
[12:31] Hatshepsut Linette: but not sure if he would be willing to
let us have those powers but worth a try
[12:31] Aseret Quintessa: He needs to know what is going on but not
by hassling him
[12:31] Hatshepsut Linette: ok
[12:31] You silently accept Item for the meeting from Arthur5
[12:31] Aseret Quintessa: sorry that sounded bossy
[12:31] Xara Thespian: An odd state visit woulkd be nice
[12:31] DeeDee Bookmite: they said they only wanted contacted about
big issues not sorting land so I think terrforming will be passed to
[12:31] Xara Thespian: estate
[12:31] Lazarus Loxely: hey Art its the right time now put it out
there ;)
[12:31] Hatshepsut Linette: yes it would - pity as has been said he
has not given more guidance
[12:31] Aseret Quintessa: I think Niall wants us to succeed on our
[12:32] Hennamono Morpork: Could we report an intent to terraform
and if he doesn't say no go ahead with it?
[12:32] Commander Quandry: My point was, if we have people who are
Estate Managers they will automatically be able to Terraform.
If we do not then we will need Niall and that defeats the whole point
of this - IMHO
[12:32] Aseret Quintessa: and if we cooperate together we will
[12:32] Blaze Greybeard: sorry to interrupt, but the results of the
vote weren't on the website, so don't actually know which proposal
[12:32] Lazarus Loxely: Hats won Blaze
[12:32] DeeDee Bookmite: they are on the website
[12:32] Aseret Quintessa: Hats plan won
[12:32] Hatshepsut Linette: I know what you mean CQ as I have land I
have terraformed myself
[12:32] Shailey Garfield: Hats was the winner, Blaze
[12:32] Arthur5: I am going AFK now. Sorry, but RL interferes.
[12:32] Xara Thespian: not where they were supposed toi be piosted
[12:32] MarionGE: Night Arthur
[12:32] Xara Thespian: night
[12:32] Hatshepsut Linette: bye ARthur
[12:33] Xara Thespian: so I had no idea
[12:33] Blaze Greybeard: thanks
[12:33] Xara Thespian: it said here lol
[12:33] Hatshepsut Linette: anything else anyone thinks I have
missed - risks plus questions mentioned?
[12:33] Xara Thespian: anyway
[12:33] DeeDee Bookmite: groups
[12:33] MarionGE: yep roles vs groups
[12:33] Lazarus Loxely: Arthur has one he wishes covered
[12:33] Aseret Quintessa: I need to know what is happening about the
Groups everyone knows I am very unhappy about having an Open Group
[12:34] DeeDee Bookmite: yes it is daft
[12:34] Xara Thespian: we are an open university?
[12:34] Lazarus Loxely: he wants something in there ala CQ/Kered's
about once you transition between student to alumni you can continue
in the sim without losing any rights
[12:34] Hatshepsut Linette: that can be added no problem Laz
[12:34] Hennamono Morpork: Having a closed group and having closed
roles in an open group ar e functionally equivalent aren't they?
[12:34] Hatshepsut Linette: as I agree with him
[12:34] DeeDee Bookmite: yes the university is called that but Niall
made it clear the sim is for verified OUer
[12:34] Aseret Quintessa: yes we are Open university but having a
group were anyone can say they are a student or staff doesn't make
[12:35] Xara Thespian: can verify
[12:35] Hatshepsut Linette: we need to know that those who say they
are OUers are really so
[12:35] Lazarus Loxely: i certainly think those in positions of
responsibility need to be in a verified group
[12:35] Aseret Quintessa: yes we do
[12:35] Aseret Quintessa: absolutely Laz
[12:35] Hennamono Morpork: Exactly
[12:35] DeeDee Bookmite: we all do I think
[12:36] Lazarus Loxely: sorted then
[12:36] Hatshepsut Linette: but can be done via roles or groups as
Henn says
[12:36] DeeDee Bookmite: with separte roles in the verified group
[12:36] Hatshepsut Linette: as long as we know who is who
[12:36] Aseret Quintessa: I don't agree
[12:36] Xara Thespian: what about newcomers
[12:36] Lazarus Loxely: yep that's how it works in most sims i visit
[12:36] Blaze Greybeard: how would you go about verifying sl names
against rl? by OU PI?
[12:36] DeeDee Bookmite: but we do not know who is who
[12:36] DeeDee Bookmite: as Niall said, using the website
[12:36] Hatshepsut Linette: email from OU address would work
[12:36] Aseret Quintessa: I feel that as long as Students and Staff
are mixed in how are we to know who is who in world
[12:37] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): log onto forum with sl name
[12:37] DeeDee Bookmite: nope email alone doesn't really verifiy an
[12:37] Xara Thespian: can be traced back
[12:37] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): they you know they are OU
[12:37] Aseret Quintessa: I have taken people at their word in here
as students tutors but its not always been true
[12:37] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[12:37] Hennamono Morpork: Nothing 100% identifies an individual
[12:37] Aseret Quintessa: no it doesn't Henn
[12:37] Aseret Quintessa: but we have to try
[12:37] DeeDee Bookmite: no but for risk assessment purposes we have
to be as sure as we can be and that means the website
[12:38] Xara Thespian: sombody siad about student home
[12:38] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): if they can loginto the
OUtopian forum then they are student or staff
[12:38] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[12:38] Commander Quandry: I think these things can be worked out
if, and when, we have control.
[12:38] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): then they gieve there SL name
[12:38] Hatshepsut Linette: yes agreed -
[12:38] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[12:38] Xara Thespian: yes
[12:38] Hennamono Morpork: Agreed
[12:38] Xara Thespian: the only problem is when fc goes
[12:38] DeeDee Bookmite: the open group serves no function
[12:38] Hatshepsut Linette: only for visitors
[12:39] DeeDee Bookmite: no there will be snoodle
[12:39] MarionGE: right I have to go. I think Open group so
newcomers can join immediately. Then verified group roles so that we
know who's who
[12:39] Aseret Quintessa: no it doesn't
[12:39] Lazarus Loxely: useful for visitors
[12:39] Blaze Greybeard: possibly something ppl add to thier profile
on studenthome?
[12:39] Aseret Quintessa: there could be a group for others
[12:39] Hatshepsut Linette: for dances or other events maybe - like
[12:39] DeeDee Bookmite: no why do visitrs need to be in a group?
[12:39] Blaze Greybeard: thier sl name i mean
[12:39] Hennamono Morpork: Agrees with Marion
[12:39] Lazarus Loxely: some might want to be invited to events,
might just like it here
[12:39] Aseret Quintessa: I am not saying exclude
[12:40] Aseret Quintessa: I am saying one group for verified closed
[12:40] MarionGE: also aren't we supposed to be an advert for
propospective ou students
[12:40] DeeDee Bookmite: Yes
[12:40] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): anyone can be here just no in
the gorup that allows you the abilities to build etc
[12:40] Hatshepsut Linette: I agree with Marion too - if they can
join immediately they may stay if they have to go through hoops we
may lose them
[12:40] Aseret Quintessa: one group for others so they will get grop
[12:40] Lazarus Loxely: yep exactly Kered
[12:40] Hennamono Morpork: Why complicate things with multiple
groupd when roles within group can do the same thing?
[12:40] DeeDee Bookmite: yes we are but the sim and rights on it are
for veriied people
[12:40] Aseret Quintessa: group
[12:40] DeeDee Bookmite: and I think for advert the other sims are
for that
[12:40] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): yes \henn
[12:40] Lazarus Loxely: yes we are all agreeing using different
words lol
[12:40] DeeDee Bookmite: this is a social sim for students and staff
[12:41] Aseret Quintessa: we have two grops that state Students and
[12:41] Aseret Quintessa: neither are for just students and staff
[12:41] DeeDee Bookmite: yes which is untrue
[12:41] Hatshepsut Linette: but what about those that are now
exstaff ro students which would they go into?
[12:41] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): not groups roles in the group
[12:41] Commander Quandry: I think this is irrelavant to the plan
[12:42] Commander Quandry: it is something that can all be sorted
out over time.
[12:42] Xara Thespian: Graduate
[12:42] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): yes agree its technicallities
[12:42] DeeDee Bookmite: that is what a plan is
[12:42] DeeDee Bookmite: technicalities set out
[12:42] Xara Thespian: Graduates etc
[12:42] Blaze Greybeard: the problem with using roles within the
same group is that there is a limited nunber of roles per group
[12:42] Lazarus Loxely: i agree, we can sort the groups and
verifications as we are all on the same page i think - verified for
responsibilities, unverified for notices as a guest / visitor
[12:42] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): we only have 2 days
[12:42] DeeDee Bookmite: we don't need loads of roles
[12:42] Aseret Quintessa: agreeed
[12:42] Hennamono Morpork: How many do we need?
[12:43] Jonno Stromfield is Online
[12:43] Aseret Quintessa: if we have a closed group for verified who
have variety of permissons all we need is a few roles
[12:43] Hatshepsut Linette: I have outlined 4 at the moment plus
visitors if in one group
[12:43] Lazarus Loxely: the roles are in Hats plan arent they?
[12:44] Hatshepsut Linette: yes Laz
[12:44] Hennamono Morpork: I don't see we need more than 1 group and
3 roles init
[12:44] DeeDee Bookmite: yes but the levels of permissions aren't
that huge. Terraform or rez is all we need
[12:44] Hennamono Morpork: in space it - I is not a chav!
[12:44] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[12:44] Lazarus Loxely: personally i would have the visitors /
guests in a seperate group but only from having done it in another
[12:44] DeeDee Bookmite: yes that is a better idea I think Laz
[12:45] Aseret Quintessa: Yes I agree
[12:45] DeeDee Bookmite: the OUs rep is at stake too
[12:45] Hatshepsut Linette: that is a good point Dee
[12:45] DeeDee Bookmite: I did see someone in the open group saying
women were animals likes pigs and should be beaten daily
[12:45] Xara Thespian: need to elect one i think
[12:45] DeeDee Bookmite: not wht the OU want to be assoicated with
[12:46] Aseret Quintessa: no not at all
[12:46] Hennamono Morpork: Pigs shouldn't be beaten daily!
[12:46] Lazarus Loxely: ok are we all happy with the Roles in Hats
plan? could you reiterate them Hats
[12:46] DeeDee Bookmite: people with sexual hang ups can go to
approprite sims
[12:46] Xara Thespian: We need an elected rep I think
[12:46] Lazarus Loxely: just the titles please
[12:46] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): Set 1 – Facilitators – ie
those giving the permissions, these must have all permissions for all
sets or they cannot allocate them on to others.
Set 2 – Terraformers (if separate) – these people might also be part
of sets 3 and/or 4 but certainly in set 5.
Set 3 - Those doing the area jobs (gardeners etc) – these would
possibly be in set 4 but certainly in set 5.
Set 4 – Land owners – the private building plots – these would
automatically be part of set 5 and possibly any or both of sets 2 and
Set 5 - Those with public permissions ie those who can build on
sandbox and class area only.
[12:46] Hatshepsut Linette: beat me to it
[12:46] DeeDee Bookmite: lol Henn I nearly missed that and I agree
[12:46] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): lol
[12:47] Xara Thespian: all voluntary groups elect officers able to
do the job
[12:48] Jonno Stromfield: hello all
[12:48] Hatshepsut Linette: Hi Jonno
[12:48] Aseret Quintessa: greets Jonno
[12:48] Xara Thespian: proposed and seconded
[12:48] Object: Just gave myself to AdamWatson Resident
[12:48] Blaze Greybeard: hi Jonno
[12:48] Lazarus Loxely: sounds like we are all happy with Hats roles
then, awesome
[12:48] Hatshepsut Linette: thanks
[12:49] Hatshepsut Linette: I will do my best to sort it out
tomorrow using the mins here to help
[12:49] DeeDee Bookmite: you have done a greta job Hats
[12:49] Hatshepsut Linette: anysthing else I have missed please?
[12:49] DeeDee Bookmite: great
[12:50] Xara Thespian: your plan was pretty comprehensive
[12:50] Hatshepsut Linette: ty
[12:50] Aseret Quintessa: yes Hats this isn't easy to do and take on
board all opinons
[12:50] DeeDee Bookmite: yes it is all quite complicated when you
get into it
[12:50] Hatshepsut Linette: certainly not easy to be honest
[12:50] DeeDee Bookmite: no lol
[12:50] Lazarus Loxely: as of tuesday we are officially rep-less -
do we want to start asking for people who want to be considered for
voting via the forum?
[12:50] Hatshepsut Linette: tried to listen to what everyone wanted
in their wish lists
[12:50] Xara Thespian: Just glad we know wherecwe are going
[12:50] Blaze Greybeard: but whatever roles are appointed to sl
users, you still need to verify those accounts against real ppl
before allocating them surely/
[12:50] DeeDee Bookmite: good idea Laz
[12:50] DeeDee Bookmite: yes on the website
[12:51] Aseret Quintessa: yes its a good idea
[12:51] Lazarus Loxely: yes Blaze we have agreed to that, you are
right v.important
[12:51] Aseret Quintessa: Tori has done a good job bue we do need
someone else now
[12:51] Jonno Stromfield: Have we enough of a risk assessment in the
plan to keep the committee happy?
[12:51] Hatshepsut Linette: she has done an amazing job I think
[12:51] Lazarus Loxely: its a vacant position but essential so i
dont think we should wait
[12:51] Aseret Quintessa: but* sorry hard to type with paws
[12:51] DeeDee Bookmite: I also think the role of rep needs to be
made clear as I think Tori was given way too much work at times
[12:51] Jonno Stromfield: lol
[12:52] Xara Thespian: all posts i presume will be elercted by the
[12:52] Hatshepsut Linette: will be adding to that Jonno from other
plans - folks have given me permission to nick bits
[12:52] Lazarus Loxely: thats my preference
[12:52] Blaze Greybeard: and is that facility already on the
website? otherwis surely that needs to be done before roles are
[12:52] Jonno Stromfield: feel free to nick from mine if you wish
[12:52] Hatshepsut Linette: thanks Jonno
[12:52] Lazarus Loxely: thanks JonnO
[12:52] Xara Thespian: handed over a few voluntary groups and the
election is important
[12:53] Hennamono Morpork: My time is up - bye!
[12:53] Hatshepsut Linette: bye Henn
[12:53] Jonno Stromfield: bye henn
[12:53] DeeDee Bookmite: bye Henn
[12:53] Aseret Quintessa: yes it is Xara
[12:53] Lazarus Loxely: thanks Henn appreciate you coming
[12:53] Aseret Quintessa: bye Hen
[12:53] Hennamono Morpork is Offline
[12:53] Xara Thespian: bye Henn
[12:53] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): hats you need to include -
nOUbie Support Group in the working groups
[12:54] Xara Thespian: we are lucky in that we know most of the
people with the skills
[12:54] Aseret Quintessa: Yes Noubies support is essential
[12:54] Hatshepsut Linette: nOUbies noted
[12:54] Hatshepsut Linette: they are mentioned in the plan but not
the groups so thanks
[12:55] Lazarus Loxely: Dee your point on the Rep - should we open a
thread to define the reps position, this could run alongside this
process as we dont need that finalised by Weds, as long as a rep is
mentioned in the plan
[12:55] Elsbeth Biedermann is Offline
[12:55] Xara Thespian: A job discription
[12:55] Aseret Quintessa: yes I agree
[12:55] Lazarus Loxely: yep
[12:56] Hatshepsut Linette: I know Troi gave us an idea of what she
had been doing some time ago -
[12:56] DeeDee Bookmite: yes laz, as I think the role became too
[12:56] Xara Thespian: not one i would fancy
[12:56] Jonno Stromfield: Perhaps we need to ask if anyone is
interested, too.
[12:56] Hatshepsut Linette: me neither
[12:56] DeeDee Bookmite: no way too much for one person
[12:56] Xara Thespian: had my share
[12:56] Aseret Quintessa: its no wonder Tori was run off her feet
[12:56] Lazarus Loxely: yes JonnO i mentioned that
[12:56] DeeDee Bookmite: yes that was noted above Jonno
[12:56] Jonno Stromfield: Apart from Laz, himself, of course.
[12:56] Jonno Stromfield: °͜°
[12:56] Hatshepsut Linette: rep and possible assistant rep or shared
role can be mentioned
[12:56] Xara Thespian: Li mits imposed
[12:57] Xara Thespian: and we need a backstop
[12:57] Lazarus Loxely: i can't JonnO chairman clash of loyalties
[12:57] DeeDee Bookmite: lol you are not chairman forever
[12:57] Xara Thespian: If sombody is unwell etc
[12:57] Lazarus Loxely: whaaat?!?
[12:57] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[12:57] Aseret Quintessa: no 3 mins its over
[12:57] Lazarus Loxely: this was never mentioned
[12:57] DeeDee Bookmite: it's not like Emperor
[12:58] Xara Thespian: no and I outrank him now
[12:58] Lazarus Loxely: ppffft lucky i am rubbish at it then
[12:58] Hatshepsut Linette: you are doing ok
[12:58] DeeDee Bookmite: no you are fine
[12:58] Lazarus Loxely: meanwhile back on OUtopia......
[12:58] Aseret Quintessa: yes drag us back Laz
[12:58] Xara Thespian: we seem to have a consensus
[12:59] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[12:59] Hatshepsut Linette: relief
[12:59] Lazarus Loxely: anything else we would want added to the
Plan or hats would you be ok for people to IM you suggestions as they
digest over the next day
[12:59] Xara Thespian: Laz you want blood as well
[12:59] Lazarus Loxely: it sustains me
[13:00] Hatshepsut Linette: I need to get on with it I think during
the day - tomorrow so I can post the final alterations for you all
[13:00] Lazarus Loxely: how about questions for the steering
committee? I am told they meet once every 6wks and are not great at
responding if it isn't on their list
[13:01] Hatshepsut Linette: yes Nialls involvement is issue for me?
[13:01] Xara Thespian: or not
[13:01] Hatshepsut Linette: what and how often will he be available
if at all?
[13:01] DeeDee Bookmite: in what way?
[13:01] Lazarus Loxely: so far i got:
[13:01] Lazarus Loxely: - Do we get terraforming rights?
- How much involvement will Niall want?
[13:02] Aseret Quintessa: will we need Niall? I mean if the plan is
[13:02] DeeDee Bookmite: hmm didn't he make it clear he wanted us to
run the place ourselves and the steering committee wouldn't be
greatly involved?
[13:02] Hatshepsut Linette: I know we want to go it alone but what
if they say no to certain things?
[13:02] Lazarus Loxely: and some others Tori has been asking for
details on for ages
[13:02] DeeDee Bookmite: they told us to go it alone
[13:02] Xara Thespian: WE respond as appropriate
[13:02] Jonno Stromfield: do we get terraforming rights? hats plan
says ALL rights so if they accept it, yes we do.
[13:02] DeeDee Bookmite: exactly
[13:02] Aseret Quintessa: and refined as we go then won't the Estate
Mangers take over the messing hard stuff
[13:02] Lazarus Loxely: works for me!!
[13:02] Arthur5 is Offline
[13:03] Aseret Quintessa: I may have misunderstood
[13:03] Aseret Quintessa: but I was under the impression
[13:03] Aseret Quintessa: that Niall really wants us to go it alone
and succeed
[13:04] Xara Thespian: thats my understanding
[13:04] Aseret Quintessa: its not like there arent experience
mangaers amongst us
[13:04] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): what about abritration and
discipline etc
[13:04] DeeDee Bookmite: he won't want bothered when we want to
flatten a hill as someone said
[13:04] Lazarus Loxely: yep we have all agreed, to ignore him
[13:04] Aseret Quintessa: sorry paws again
[13:04] Hatshepsut Linette: lol Laz
[13:04] DeeDee Bookmite: lol no we cannot do that
[13:04] Lazarus Loxely: can't do what?
[13:04] DeeDee Bookmite: but we have to show him we can make this
place work
[13:04] DeeDee Bookmite: ignore him
[13:05] Xara Thespian: if they afre not hapy with something we have
to stand up for ourselves
[13:05] Jonno Stromfield: that's a good question, Kered?
[13:05] Lazarus Loxely: ignore who?
[13:05] Aseret Quintessa: If the rep keeps the Steering Committe
abreast of what we do there can't eb a problem can there
[13:05] AdamWatson: MUST go now Bye all
[13:05] Aseret Quintessa: bye Adam
[13:05] Lazarus Loxely: bye Adam thanks for coming
[13:05] Jonno Stromfield: bye AW
[13:05] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): bye adam
[13:05] Hatshepsut Linette: bye Adam
[13:05] Xara Thespian: bye
[13:05] DeeDee Bookmite: bye Adam
[13:05] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): what about abritration and
discipline etc not mentioned in plan
[13:06] Lazarus Loxely: so we need a smooth talking Rep to tell him
what he wants to hear while we transform Outopia into a den of
[13:06] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:06] Aseret Quintessa: Arbitration is difficult area
[13:06] Xara Thespian: I think small matters can be dealt with
[13:06] Aseret Quintessa: its a mine field
[13:06] Jonno Stromfield: all plans say we follow the OU code, so we
can't :(
[13:06] Aseret Quintessa: yes I agree Xarea
[13:06] Aseret Quintessa: but if anything bigger who does it
[13:06] DeeDee Bookmite: hopefully we will all act like adults and
it won't be needed much
[13:07] Aseret Quintessa: Xara*
[13:07] Xara Thespian: larger ones go to the next level
[13:07] Aseret Quintessa: looks at Dee
[13:07] Aseret Quintessa: given up being adult its boring
[13:07] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): need something in the plan
[13:07] DeeDee Bookmite: smiles deviously
[13:07] Hatshepsut Linette: have to follow OU rules on that -
[13:07] Xara Thespian: then if not solvable to Niall
[13:07] Aseret Quintessa: yes
[13:07] Jonno Stromfield: I would love to see us building up "case
law" over what is reasonable behaviour
[13:07] DeeDee Bookmite: we already have OU rules for that
[13:07] Jonno Stromfield: if we want to add an arbitration group, we
[13:08] Xara Thespian: we are bound by Linden there
[13:08] Lazarus Loxely: can one of the roles take on arbitration and
if it needs it escalate to Niall if required
[13:08] DeeDee Bookmite: I don't thinkwe get to change those
[13:08] Aseret Quintessa: yes there are OU and Linden guides
[13:08] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): not cahnge but inmplement
[13:08] Lazarus Loxely: roles as in group as per Hats plan
[13:08] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): change#
[13:08] DeeDee Bookmite: OU are more strict rules than Linden
[13:08] Jonno Stromfield: we can, Laz. If people think it needed.
[13:09] Lazarus Loxely: OU pays the bill...
[13:09] Xara Thespian: yes we have both setsv is my point
[13:09] Xara Thespian: sets
[13:09] DeeDee Bookmite: no OU rules are there because it is their
rep on the line
[13:09] DeeDee Bookmite: I can't see them letting us change them
[13:09] Hatshepsut Linette: I have a feeling I read somewhere that
OU has to implement rules not us
[13:09] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): what do we do with a greifer
how are they dealt with its a risk
[13:09] DeeDee Bookmite: yes it is
[13:10] Lazarus Loxely: nah boot them
[13:10] Aseret Quintessa: yes and whatever happens here they won't
tolerate anything that brings reputation into disrepute
[13:10] Hatshepsut Linette: I did mentione greifer I think t the
[13:10] Jonno Stromfield: I think non-OU griefers aren't am issue
[13:10] Lazarus Loxely: if they return and grief again, temp ban
[13:10] DeeDee Bookmite: I guess we need a group role for that
[13:10] Xara Thespian: yes
[13:10] DeeDee Bookmite: I think if non OUers then ban
[13:10] Jonno Stromfield: OU griefers are a problem
[13:10] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): all part of diswcipline
[13:10] DeeDee Bookmite: why would we want non ou griefers back?
[13:10] Jonno Stromfield: We have to refer up to the Steering
Committee at some point
[13:11] Lazarus Loxely: for a perm ban on OU griefers yes JonnO i
[13:11] DeeDee Bookmite: yes when there are things we cannot manage
[13:11] Aseret Quintessa: not really just sad people who are bored
but we don't want them putting real live students off
[13:11] Jonno Stromfield: I don't think we would, Dee
[13:11] Xara Thespian: when the time is right and the conditions are
[13:11] DeeDee Bookmite: well ban all griefers and if an OU person
is griefing tell them to wise up
[13:11] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): if OU and they get banned then
they should appeal to OU if we support the ban
[13:11] Xara Thespian: I sound like Tony Blair lol
[13:11] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:11] Aseret Quintessa: lol Xara
[13:12] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): brb
[13:12] Lazarus Loxely: you got his dress too
[13:12] Blaze Greybeard: so what about simple things, like a
bloodlines person coming along and munching on a noubie? They
wouldn't be breaking LL rules, who would kick them off or ban them?
[13:12] Jonno Stromfield: Things can only get better, xara.
[13:12] DeeDee Bookmite: I think we need a group role fpr griefers
[13:12] Aseret Quintessa: Blood lines are banned from a lot of sims
[13:12] Aseret Quintessa: or asked not to bite
[13:12] DeeDee Bookmite: stupid anyway
[13:13] Aseret Quintessa: yes lol
[13:13] DeeDee Bookmite: like big kids
[13:13] Xara Thespian: but not to then==m
[13:13] Aseret Quintessa: its like pyramid selling
[13:13] Xara Thespian: them
[13:13] Lazarus Loxely: CQ may know but i know sims where their hud
is disabled
[13:13] DeeDee Bookmite: yes and sucks in the suckers ;P
[13:13] Jonno Stromfield: back to an Arbitration and Discipline
[13:13] Aseret Quintessa: looks serious
[13:13] DeeDee Bookmite: a group
[13:14] Jonno Stromfield: yes
[13:14] Xara Thespian: yes
[13:14] Xara Thespian: you cant act alone
[13:14] DeeDee Bookmite: charged with enforcing all OU rules
[13:14] DeeDee Bookmite: and Linden ones
[13:14] Xara Thespian: and Linden
[13:14] Jonno Stromfield: arbitration first
[13:14] DeeDee Bookmite: eh?
[13:14] Jonno Stromfield: try to settle things amicably
[13:14] Aseret Quintessa: I think common sense would say that
[13:15] Xara Thespian: We need to check on OU responsibility
[13:15] DeeDee Bookmite: if OUers they know the rules
[13:15] Lazarus Loxely: yes a chat logged friendly warning
[13:15] Jonno Stromfield: discipline and enforcement if that fails
[13:15] MarionGE is Offline
[13:15] Aseret Quintessa: yes they should know
[13:15] Lazarus Loxely: then boot their asses
[13:15] Blaze Greybeard: there need to be a number of ppl able to
eject/ban griefers, preferrably at least one available most of the
time, that could be tricky though
[13:15] DeeDee Bookmite: yes I agree
[13:15] Lazarus Loxely: my experience makes me agree Blaze
[13:15] Jonno Stromfield: We are all on UK time, so a 24/7 coverage
is difficult
[13:15] Commander Quandry: Estate managers can do that
[13:15] DeeDee Bookmite: I think we all need to familiarise
ourselves with the OU rules
[13:15] Hatshepsut Linette: yes CQ they can
[13:16] Jonno Stromfield: but should they?
[13:16] Commander Quandry: so it's covered
[13:16] Jonno Stromfield: no
[13:16] Aseret Quintessa: no Jonno?
[13:16] Commander Quandry: yes - they should in the immediate - then
a group reviews and the person can appeal to the OU if they want to
[13:16] Jonno Stromfield: it's only covered if estate manager do
that role, and I don't think they should
[13:16] Xara Thespian: if the arbitration goes through the stages it
is supposed to then goodbye
[13:16] Lazarus Loxely: well is it in your plan for it to be Estate
managers responsibility Hats?
[13:16] Xara Thespian: not acting alone
[13:17] DeeDee Bookmite: this is down to permissions really
[13:17] DeeDee Bookmite: re banning and ejecting people
[13:17] DeeDee Bookmite: griefers
[13:17] Aseret Quintessa: do you mean that a bad would need more
than one manager?
[13:17] Lazarus Loxely: but a boot or temp ban may need to be
instigated by a responsible person alone i think, as the griefers
presence could affect a larger group of OUers
[13:17] Hatshepsut Linette: it is not in plan that is one reason I
asked for input from group
[13:17] Xara Thespian: it's just a physical act of puishing a key
not the role ton decide who puses the button
[13:18] Jonno Stromfield: facilitators could be the ones
[13:18] Hatshepsut Linette: waht have I missed * point that is
[13:18] Xara Thespian: thats the groups role under OU and Linden I
would suggest
[13:18] Commander Quandry: to ban for the SIM you would have to be
an Estate manager or have group rights on all land parcels -
including any owned by OUers
[13:18] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[13:18] Aseret Quintessa: yes that is so
[13:18] Commander Quandry: so it would have to be an Estate Manager
- and you can't stop any Estate manager from having the power
[13:18] Jonno Stromfield: yes, that's why facilitators could do it
[13:18] DeeDee Bookmite: so makes sense that estate managers do it?
[13:19] Xara Thespian: and the group couls ask you to eject sombody
if it had been through arbitritratin
[13:19] Jonno Stromfield: Not to be Dee
[13:19] Jonno Stromfield: to me
[13:19] Commander Quandry: really - why is this always so hard. If
we believe that anyone with EM rights would ban someone wrongly then
we are dead in the water before w e start
[13:19] DeeDee Bookmite: umm?
[13:19] Lazarus Loxely: i agree CQ
[13:19] DeeDee Bookmite: to Jonno
[13:19] Jonno Stromfield: we don't. An estate manager could be a
[13:19] Blaze Greybeard: but frequently in sl, in my experience,
things can happen quickly and things can escalate quickly if the ppl
responsible aren't stopped. If this has to go to a comittee.... a
region could be lagged beyond belief b4 a meeting was held, maybe the
ability should be there to eject etc, THEN the case gets reviewed to
un ban if nessecary?
[13:19] Hatshepsut Linette: yes CQ we have to have trust
[13:19] Hatshepsut Linette: or we are done for
[13:19] Lazarus Loxely: we have to trust those we vote into these
[13:20] Aseret Quintessa: I agree with Blaze
[13:20] Xara Thespian: yes thats what i mean they would only push
that button with the back up or the arbitration etc
[13:20] Lazarus Loxely: me too
[13:20] DeeDee Bookmite: I agree Blaze
[13:20] Xara Thespian: not just at a whim
[13:20] DeeDee Bookmite: yes Xara, someone to act immediately and
then a group to discuss things
[13:21] Xara Thespian: yes
[13:21] Jonno Stromfield: I don't believe it would be done on whim,
whoever gets this power
[13:21] Blaze Greybeard: what if an "arbitrator" isn't online or
[13:21] Commander Quandry: we already know, pretty much, those who
are likely to hold these positions. I trust them all.
[13:21] Aseret Quintessa: No whims as that would be an abuse of
[13:21] Xara Thespian: we make it so
[13:21] Xara Thespian: email
[13:21] DeeDee Bookmite: do we?
[13:21] Xara Thespian: chatlog
[13:21] Lazarus Loxely: we just need core hours coverage
[13:21] Xara Thespian: if you want Outopia to run we need to run it
[13:21] Commander Quandry: it's not likely that someone we do not
know will get elected
[13:22] Hatshepsut Linette: agree CQ
[13:22] DeeDee Bookmite: no I guess not
[13:22] Jonno Stromfield: agreed
[13:22] Commander Quandry: I am happy to come in world at the
sending of an email, or even text.
[13:22] Xara Thespian: just the odd idiot that crops up
[13:22] Blaze Greybeard: on other sims i visit, if a staff member
ejects smeone they must back up thier reason by notecard of local
chat and or im's that related to the ejection
[13:22] DeeDee Bookmite: not sure I trust everyone I know in SL
though ;)
[13:22] Commander Quandry: I am sure others would too
[13:22] Jonno Stromfield: but, there are NO estate managers in hats
[13:22] Aseret Quintessa: I agree Dee
[13:22] Jonno Stromfield: there are terraformers, which is close
[13:22] Jonno Stromfield: and facilitators
[13:23] Hatshepsut Linette: I called them facilitators
[13:23] Xara Thespian: we all have chatlog to back up our claims
[13:23] Commander Quandry: names, titles, whatever
[13:23] Xara Thespian: and need to be sure noubies know that
[13:23] Lazarus Loxely: exactly its the function that counts
[13:23] DeeDee Bookmite: it is difficult to prove griefing but
surely one witness is enough?
[13:23] Aseret Quintessa: it should be
[13:24] Lazarus Loxely: in most sims it is
[13:24] Lazarus Loxely: with a chatlog
[13:24] Aseret Quintessa: Linden ban on one persons say so with
[13:24] DeeDee Bookmite: in one of the experiences I had, there was
no chat to log
[13:24] Blaze Greybeard: it is on my sim, one person enough i mean
[13:24] Hatshepsut Linette: a pic is useful too if possible if there
is tht sort of evidence
[13:24] DeeDee Bookmite: just a naked moron with a club
[13:24] Aseret Quintessa: photos are good but chat log will do
[13:24] Lazarus Loxely: oi it was a stick i had not a club
[13:24] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:24] Xara Thespian: whta about in IM
[13:24] Aseret Quintessa: pff
[13:24] DeeDee Bookmite: looks at Laz
[13:25] DeeDee Bookmite: I didn't realise you were a moron
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: IM abuse?
[13:25] DeeDee Bookmite: sorry As
[13:25] Lazarus Loxely: you can save like a chatlog
[13:25] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: ;P
[13:25] Xara Thespian: Is IM private or can you use it as evidence
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: you can use as evidnece
[13:25] DeeDee Bookmite: it is against TOS to show ims
[13:25] Xara Thespian: fine
[13:25] DeeDee Bookmite: but why not just mute
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: if its abuse
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: not just anything
[13:25] Aseret Quintessa: yes mute is great
[13:26] Xara Thespian: because others get the same treatment
[13:26] Blaze Greybeard: yes, im's count as evidence, since griefers
may im the person directly
[13:26] Hatshepsut Linette: you need to put it in your own profile
if you intend to use Ims in evidence so others know from the start
[13:26] Xara Thespian: yes a good idea
[13:26] DeeDee Bookmite: that declaration does not absolve people
from TOS
[13:26] Xara Thespian: is it legal?
[13:26] Lazarus Loxely: i know of LL bans based out of IM evidence
so it is valid
[13:26] Jonno Stromfield: I think in the case of making a complaint,
it is acceptable to use IMs under the rules
[13:26] DeeDee Bookmite: but I think where griefing is concerned it
maybe is ok to release ims
[13:26] Aseret Quintessa: makes no difference statement or not
[13:26] Aseret Quintessa: chat can be faked
[13:27] DeeDee Bookmite: yup same as Jonno
[13:27] Jonno Stromfield: It was last time I read the TOS
[13:27] Xara Thespian: oh
[13:27] Jonno Stromfield: you can't release it publically, but you
can show it to an authority
[13:27] DeeDee Bookmite: yes
[13:27] Xara Thespian: Can we legislate for everything?
[13:27] Lazarus Loxely: ok think we are into detail again though,
the main thing is a responsibility role for this in Hats plan isn't
[13:28] Jonno Stromfield: Xara, why would we want to try?
[13:28] Blaze Greybeard: if things are serious enough for someone to
fake chat logs, it can be verified agains LL
[13:28] Xara Thespian: thats what i mean we cant
[13:28] Aseret Quintessa: nods
[13:28] Jonno Stromfield: sorry, i agree
[13:28] DeeDee Bookmite: yes Linden labs keep all chat and im
[13:28] Aseret Quintessa: yes they have to
[13:29] Lazarus Loxely: Is it more important to decide in Hats plan
which role will own this responsibility - we can start a thread to
decide the detail in the forum
[13:30] DeeDee Bookmite: yes it needs more thought I think
[13:30] Jonno Stromfield: I think it is important, and it can be
done through the forum
[13:30] Xara Thespian: Can we elect one person and then they chose
the appropriate persons to suppport them
[13:30] Jonno Stromfield: I don't want facilitators becoming estate
[13:30] DeeDee Bookmite: no
[13:31] DeeDee Bookmite: I think we need clearly defined roles
[13:31] Xara Thespian: or is that too much
[13:31] Hatshepsut Linette: Jonno they are only so in name not
anything else - they only give out the perms
[13:31] Jonno Stromfield: yes, exactly
[13:31] Jonno Stromfield: that's what I voted for
[13:31] Lazarus Loxely: we do Dee, i am worried we wont get to the
fine detail in time for tues night though
[13:31] DeeDee Bookmite: I don't really agree with people choosing
who to support them
[13:31] Xara Thespian: yes I know
[13:31] Xara Thespian: we could get a rouge
[13:32] DeeDee Bookmite: could end up with a clique
[13:32] Jonno Stromfield: we don't need the fine detail for Tuesday,
do we?
[13:32] Aseret Quintessa: I don't know
[13:32] Xara Thespian: caan we just sat we would have a group
[13:32] Aseret Quintessa: I thought it had to be a coherent plan
[13:32] Lazarus Loxely: no just the plan, with responsibilities not
the fne detail
[13:32] MarionGE is Online
[13:32] DeeDee Bookmite: maybe we could list issues that need ironed
out for Tue and put them on the forum?
[13:32] Conover's Flight-Helper 6.3.3 (WEAR ME!): Flight-helper is
ready and operational.
[13:32] Arthur5 is Online
[13:33] Jonno Stromfield: Hi Art
[13:33] Xara Thespian: is there time it's Sun night
[13:33] Hatshepsut Linette: Hi ARt
[13:33] DeeDee Bookmite: WB Arthur
[13:33] Xara Thespian: Not fair to ask
[13:33] DeeDee Bookmite: lol probably not Xara
[13:33] Arthur5: Hi,
[13:33] Lazarus Loxely: but those issues can be worked on in tandem
with the plan going forward using the forum
[13:34] Jonno Stromfield: I agree, laz, we need to get the plan in a
fit state for the committee, that's all.
[13:34] Aseret Quintessa: it needs addressing now as far as we can
we will run out of time
[13:34] Hatshepsut Linette: we have a plan and I will adjust it as
best I can to take into account as many opinions as I can from this
evening - just as I did with original plan -
[13:34] Xara Thespian: can we recap what ned to be done
[13:34] DeeDee Bookmite: yes get the pla ready for Tue and in tandem
have discussion for finer detail on the forums
[13:34] Jonno Stromfield: if the committee have extra questions for
us, we won't hear them for 10 days
[13:34] MarionGE: have we discussed what percentage of community
have to vote to make it a fair vote?
[13:34] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[13:34] Prash Mavendorf is Online
[13:35] Hatshepsut Linette: how do we define community in the first
[13:35] Prash Mavendorf: hi all. sorry i am late.
[13:35] Jonno Stromfield: Hi Prash
[13:35] Hatshepsut Linette: Hi prash
[13:35] Xara Thespian: do we need to decide that now?
[13:35] DeeDee Bookmite: well for voting it is those that are
verified on the website but percentages, no idea
[13:35] Lazarus Loxely: no Marion, i think that is an issue for the
forum add to the list etc
[13:35] MarionGE: voting members? Just wondered if it is relevant
because of risk assessment
[13:36] DeeDee Bookmite: it is very relevant
[13:36] Hatshepsut Linette: it is relevant
[13:36] DeeDee Bookmite: but we don't need to outline it now. We can
outline on the forum
[13:36] Xara Thespian: not sure if now's the time though
[13:36] Jonno Stromfield: We may lose the website for voting
purposes. Greg said he'd keep it hanging around, but might have to
move it.
[13:36] MarionGE: one big risk on Sl is lack of participation in
decision making
[13:36] DeeDee Bookmite: is there anything others can do to help you
get the plan together for Tues?
[13:37] Lazarus Loxely: or just lack of participation
[13:37] Commander Quandry: once we have a list of verified, we can
keep upto date, voting in world will be easy
[13:37] Xara Thespian: yes we all have a consensus on that it seems#
[13:37] MarionGE: I can be available on SL tommorrow afternoon if
you want some help
[13:37] DeeDee Bookmite: yes but the steering committee have said
they will provide voting facilities for importan issues
[13:37] Jonno Stromfield: oh, good point
[13:37] Aseret Quintessa: yes they did
[13:37] Lazarus Loxely: v.handy
[13:37] Xara Thespian: yes when gthey arise
[13:38] Xara Thespian: Are we getting too bogged down in details
[13:39] Prash Mavendorf: yes and no.
[13:39] DeeDee Bookmite: Blaze you have experience on many of these
issues it seems. Have you access to the website to post your
experiences and ideas?
[13:39] Jonno Stromfield: don't think so, Xara. We have 3 days to
get the plan ready fro the committee
[13:39] Xara Thespian: I mean fine tuning
[13:39] Commander Quandry: they may have said that. However, setting
up voting will be very hard since we do not have back ground access
to the site and the LIO is going anyway.
We have to get to the point where we do it in world. It's not hard.
And a verified list will be needed for everything else anyway.
[13:39] Arthur5: When is the next meeting?
[13:39] Lazarus Loxely: i do think that lots of very important
things have been raised that will need debate on the forum - but with
2 effective days the focus must be a plan that allows for us to add
these fine details at a later date, not have them for tues nite
[13:40] Blaze Greybeard: yes, i am a current student, was able to
vote, so guess i can use the forums, have not done so yet though
[13:40] Xara Thespian: I agree Laz
[13:40] DeeDee Bookmite: your experience could help us
[13:40] DeeDee Bookmite: yes Laz
[13:40] Arthur5:
[13:41] Arthur5:
[13:41] Xara Thespian: Hats has a limited time to get it done
[13:41] Arthur5: These are the links to the forums. :)
[13:41] Jonno Stromfield: Can i ask about money?
[13:41] Lazarus Loxely: exactly
[13:41] Blaze Greybeard: i'll help with what i can certainly
[13:41] Lazarus Loxely: i charge £10 for hand
[13:41] Commander Quandry: how much do you want Jonno?
[13:41] Prash Mavendorf: no. i won't pay you jonno. lol.
[13:41] Arthur5: When is the next meeting?
[13:41] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:41] Jonno Stromfield: do we need an income
[13:41] Lazarus Loxely: £50 for 1 hour
[13:41] Lazarus Loxely: and £100 for overnight
[13:41] Jonno Stromfield: not begging here
[13:42] DeeDee Bookmite: hmmm counts her pennies
[13:42] Prash Mavendorf: you are cheap laz.
[13:42] Lazarus Loxely: agreed
[13:42] DeeDee Bookmite: cannot afford you Laz
[13:42] Aseret Quintessa: gives Jonno a linden
[13:42] Jonno Stromfield: seriously, if we want to fundraise, how
will we handle money?
[13:42] Xara Thespian: have we not got what we need in our
inventories lol
[13:42] Xara Thespian: i got 20,000
[13:42] DeeDee Bookmite: good point Jonnp
[13:42] Aseret Quintessa: it could go in a tip jar
[13:42] Prash Mavendorf: we would need a committee account.
[13:42] DeeDee Bookmite: Jonno
[13:42] DeeDee Bookmite: we need someone to stash the cash
[13:42] Prash Mavendorf: which will be linked to a tip jar.
[13:42] Jonno Stromfield: lol, Prash. What committee
[13:43] Jonno Stromfield: ?
[13:43] Commander Quandry: the best way is a Alt that the elected
people have the log in for - the Alt holds the funds
[13:43] Xara Thespian: can we decide later
[13:43] Prash Mavendorf: i'm the committee. lol.
[13:43] Jonno Stromfield: yes we can decide later, I just wanted to
raise it as an issue
[13:43] DeeDee Bookmite: so someone raising money would give it to
the estate manager's alt
[13:43] DeeDee Bookmite: ?
[13:43] Jonno Stromfield: on the list
[13:43] Prash Mavendorf: or have someone in the OU responsible for
the tip jar.
[13:43] Jonno Stromfield: please stop calling them estate managers
[13:44] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:44] Lazarus Loxely: sorry brb gotta grab milk for baby - 2mins
[13:44] Aseret Quintessa: awww
[13:44] Arthur5: When is the next meeting.
[13:44] Aseret Quintessa: dont keep that baby waiting
[13:44] Xara Thespian: calls himself the Devil huh
[13:44] Blaze Greybeard: there's an awful lot of threads on there
[13:44] Commander Quandry: why Jonno?
[13:44] Jonno Stromfield: We have had the discussion several times,
[13:45] Xara Thespian: But thats the title
[13:45] DeeDee Bookmite: yes what do we call them
[13:45] Commander Quandry: Estate manager is a Linden position
[13:45] Xara Thespian: Kered is our Estate managervof our sim
[13:45] Jonno Stromfield: Not in the plan
[13:45] Commander Quandry: I give up - I have absolutely no idea how
to communicate here
[13:46] Jonno Stromfield: They have a whole bundle of powers and
responsibilities that I don't want given to anyone here
[13:46] Commander Quandry: terminology gone mad
[13:46] Jonno Stromfield: yes
[13:46] Xara Thespian: Dont get hung up on names at this stage
[13:46] Prash Mavendorf: i agree with CQ
[13:46] Arthur5: Please, for the fourth time, when is the next
[13:46] Prash Mavendorf: i don't care what we call them. even if we
call them estate managers.
[13:46] MarionGE: don't think it's been agreed yet
[13:46] Aseret Quintessa: none planned yet Arthur
[13:46] DeeDee Bookmite: as long as they don't hear, what does it
[13:46] Xara Thespian: when is the next meeting the plan goes in
[13:46] MarionGE: when will the steering comittee get back to us?
[13:47] Prash Mavendorf: meeting on Thursday?
[13:47] Hatshepsut Linette: good question Marion - no idea
[13:47] Xara Thespian: no
[13:47] Xara Thespian: I am saying time has run out
[13:47] Commander Quandry: what power does an Estate Manager have
that no one should have?
[13:47] Jonno Stromfield: forget it for now CQ
[13:47] Commander Quandry: I really don't know though
[13:47] MarionGE: no point having a meeting till we have some
[13:47] Jonno Stromfield: we can try to talk anither time
[13:47] Commander Quandry: OK
[13:48] Xara Thespian: A plan has to be submkitted and we are not
doing it
[13:48] Hatshepsut Linette: suggest we say 1 week's time to see if
we have feedback
[13:48] Commander Quandry: good luck to everyone then
[13:48] Xara Thespian: you have your work cut out Hatty
[13:48] Jonno Stromfield: good luck
[13:48] Jonno Stromfield: °͜°
[13:48] Prash Mavendorf: I take it that Hatty's plan is king? °͜°
[13:49] Jonno Stromfield: oh yes
[13:49] Lazarus Loxely: yes she won!
[13:49] MarionGE: do you think next Monday? 7th? or 2 weeks 14?
[13:49] Xara Thespian: anything we can help with just shout
[13:49] Prash Mavendorf: woohooo. well done hatty.
[13:49] Hatshepsut Linette: I don't think it is a matter of winning
- just trying to get things going now
[13:49] Jonno Stromfield: the committee meeting is on the 9th,
[13:49] Prash Mavendorf: u know what i mean. lol.
[13:49] Hatshepsut Linette: lol
[13:49] Prash Mavendorf: u r the chosen one. :P
[13:49] Aseret Quintessa: so after the 9th
[13:49] Arthur5: With all the work that you have just been landed
with Hats, was it a good thing to win, :)
[13:49] Jonno Stromfield: I'd have thought so, As
[13:50] Lazarus Loxely: after 9th makes sense
[13:50] MarionGE: who will be doing the Steering committee feedback
if not Tori?
[13:50] Prash Mavendorf: or we can have the meeting on the 9th in
the evening?
[13:50] Jonno Stromfield: Kick or Elsa
[13:50] Commander Quandry: we need to elect a Rep
[13:50] Prash Mavendorf: i vote for Tori.
[13:50] Hatshepsut Linette: that is vital CQ
[13:50] Commander Quandry: maybe that could be happening
[13:50] Prash Mavendorf: hands down every time.
[13:50] Xara Thespian: well if we have the plan accepted
[13:50] DeeDee Bookmite: Laz said he would ask for people to put
themselves forward on the forum
[13:51] Jonno Stromfield: yes, CQ, but lets not put ourselves under
pressure to do it by the 9th
[13:51] Commander Quandry: noms to Kick - he sets up a vote
[13:51] Lazarus Loxely: yep and Dee said we should define the role
more clearly
[13:51] Xara Thespian: yes job description etc
[13:51] DeeDee Bookmite: yes so the rep doesn't get lumbered with
[13:51] Xara Thespian: been there myself
[13:52] Jonno Stromfield: we could do with Tori's feedback on this,
for sure
[13:52] Xara Thespian: you cant do every function on a commitee
[13:52] Aseret Quintessa: no you burn out
[13:52] Hatshepsut Linette: shame she could not be here - but
understandable given family issue
[13:52] Xara Thespian: writing a job description if she wants to do
[13:52] DeeDee Bookmite: keep it strictly rep between the community
and the steering com
[13:53] Lazarus Loxely: is it better to have a thread for people to
put themselves forward for rep? or should we just have a msg saying
those interested should inform Kick by ??/??/?? and he will set a
vote up
[13:53] DeeDee Bookmite: I think the forum
[13:53] Jonno Stromfield: thread
[13:53] DeeDee Bookmite: so Kick isn't inundated
[13:53] Prash Mavendorf: i think it should be private.
[13:53] Commander Quandry: I think it doesn't matter what I think
[13:53] Xara Thespian: do we need to know what experience they have
[13:53] DeeDee Bookmite: why Prash?
[13:53] Prash Mavendorf: so that peeps don't get pressured to stand
[13:53] DeeDee Bookmite: how can we vote for them
[13:53] MarionGE: Think we'll need a job description otheriwse no
one will volunteer
[13:53] DeeDee Bookmite: Prash you cannot have a secret rep
[13:53] Lazarus Loxely: lol
[13:54] Jonno Stromfield: Yes, marion, but we have agreed to do
[13:54] Xara Thespian: Everybody is stood dopwn
[13:54] Prash Mavendorf: i didn't say a secret rep.
[13:54] Arthur5: A secretive rep yes, lol.
[13:54] Prash Mavendorf: just a secret nomination process.
[13:54] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[13:54] Lazarus Loxely: its not nomination is it?
[13:54] Xara Thespian: we need sombody with the skills
[13:54] The Wise Owl (kered.rickena): so someone could get elected
[13:54] Prash Mavendorf: especially if it is going to be self
[13:54] Commander Quandry: Order of the Secret Monitor
[13:54] Xara Thespian: not so
[13:55] Prash Mavendorf: indeed cq. lol.
[13:55] Jonno Stromfield: Diplomatic skills may be in short supply.
[13:55] Xara Thespian: if only one applicant we can readvertise
[13:55] DeeDee Bookmite: one way of cutting the workload down Prash
[13:55] MarionGE: I think any volunteer will need to provide a 'CV'
on the forum so we can decide if they are suitable. Otherwise how are
wedeciding who to vote for
[13:55] Commander Quandry: Can you only have one elected position?
Or can I be elected to all of them?
[13:55] Prash Mavendorf: or extend the deadline.
[13:56] Lazarus Loxely: i'd vote you for all of them CQ
[13:56] Xara Thespian: i amnot showing an interest just to make sure
rthat is understood lol
[13:56] DeeDee Bookmite: the rep will be reporting what the
community say to the steering committe? and that is their role?
[13:56] Jonno Stromfield: mostly dee
[13:56] DeeDee Bookmite: oh get a room you two
[13:56] Aseret Quintessa: who?
[13:56] Jonno Stromfield: and asking the committee for stuff on our
[13:56] DeeDee Bookmite: Laz and CQ :)
[13:56] Aseret Quintessa: giggles
[13:56] Lazarus Loxely: hey i like a man in uniform
[13:56] MarionGE: I think one role one person. Otherwise it's going
to be a very small group
[13:57] Lazarus Loxely: and out of it
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: [13:56:01] Lazarus Loxely: i'd vote you for
all of them CQ
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: grabs sick bag
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: :)
[13:57] Aseret Quintessa: lol
[13:57] Commander Quandry: It's a serious question as I would not
stand for Rep if I wanted another position. But if I then didn't get
that, I would have nothing.
[13:57] Jonno Stromfield: so did we get a date for the next meet?
[13:57] Prash Mavendorf: *gives dedee a large sick bag*
[13:57] Lazarus Loxely: nope, when shall the next meet be?
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: I think you will be neede for estate
[13:57] Prash Mavendorf: 10th
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: CQ
[13:57] Blaze Greybeard: i didn't see anyone put up a date yet,no
[13:57] Prash Mavendorf: 8pm
[13:57] DeeDee Bookmite: ooops sorry Jonno
[13:57] Blaze Greybeard: whoops, ok
[13:57] Prash Mavendorf: be there or be square. lol.
[13:58] Jonno Stromfield: grrr
[13:58] Prash Mavendorf: :P
[13:58] Lazarus Loxely: 10th? any other offers?
[13:58] Prash Mavendorf: only kidding. don't know when the next
weeting should be.
[13:58] Xara Thespian: sounds fair enough
[13:58] Jonno Stromfield: 14th?
[13:58] Jonno Stromfield: was suggested earlier
[13:58] Xara Thespian: will we have any feedback by then
[13:58] Lazarus Loxely: is that the monday?
[13:58] Jonno Stromfield: yes, laz
[13:59] Lazarus Loxely: more chance of feedback by then
[13:59] MarionGE: What's the likelihood of feedback for that date?
10th or 14th
[13:59] Aseret Quintessa: yes
[13:59] Prash Mavendorf: or the 11th?
[13:59] Lazarus Loxely: sold 14th! chaired by?
[13:59] Prash Mavendorf: Jonno.
[13:59] DeeDee Bookmite: CQ
[13:59] Aseret Quintessa: not me
[13:59] Jonno Stromfield: both after the 9th, Marion so good in both
[13:59] Lazarus Loxely: CQ ;)
[13:59] Lazarus Loxely: big boy
[13:59] DeeDee Bookmite: lol
[13:59] Prash Mavendorf: Jonno to chair the meeting. lol.
[13:59] Jonno Stromfield: done one
[13:59] DeeDee Bookmite: Jonno did chair before and very well too
[13:59] Lazarus Loxely: prash
[13:59] Prash Mavendorf: can do another... surely?
[14:00] Jonno Stromfield: yes, prash
[14:00] MarionGE: dammit just realised I can't do the 14th. Sister's
[14:00] Prash Mavendorf: nah. can't be arse to chair.
[14:00] Lazarus Loxely: ok so Prash it is then
[14:00] Prash Mavendorf: i'll just make a mockery of the whole
[14:00] Prash Mavendorf: i chose Xara.
[14:00] Xara Thespian: no
[14:00] Jonno Stromfield: your privilege as chair
[14:00] Prash Mavendorf: i won't turn up as a chair.
[14:00] Xara Thespian: i just came backish
[14:00] Prash Mavendorf: I prefer this AV to be honest.
[14:00] Lazarus Loxely: not one to force anyone but should be
someone who always turns up...
[14:01] Jonno Stromfield: Stop dodging, Prash
[14:01] Lazarus Loxely: Dee?
[14:01] Xara Thespian: Kered -
[14:01] Prash Mavendorf: I'm not dodging. I won't chair a meeting.
[14:01] Jonno Stromfield: okay
[14:01] Jonno Stromfield: CQ?
[14:01] Commander Quandry: first choice, Prash. Second choice,
Prash. Third choice, Prash.
[14:01] DeeDee Bookmite: well CQ or Jonno then?
[14:01] Prash Mavendorf: especially as I haven't voted!
[14:01] Commander Quandry: I can not be certain of being able to be
[14:01] DeeDee Bookmite: pff and why not Prash
[14:01] Prash Mavendorf: my perogative.
[14:02] Commander Quandry: If I got a call from the US to deal with
I would be stuck
[14:02] Jonno Stromfield: stick your hand up, Commander?
[14:02] Xara Thespian: Chair?
[14:02] Lazarus Loxely: ok, does anyoneWANT to do it?
[14:02] Commander Quandry: I can do it if there is someone to cover
[14:02] Blaze Greybeard: so shall i turn up as a square then? :-)
[14:02] Commander Quandry: should I not be able to
[14:02] Jonno Stromfield: okay, CQ with Dee as cover?
[14:02] DeeDee Bookmite: lol Blaze
[14:02] Blaze Greybeard: a walking prim
[14:02] Aseret Quintessa: keeps quiet
[14:02] Lazarus Loxely: agreed and done!
[14:02] DeeDee Bookmite: hmmm no Jonno as cover :)
[14:02] Xara Thespian: keeps pout of it
[14:02] DeeDee Bookmite: he has proven track record
[14:02] Xara Thespian: out
[14:02] Jonno Stromfield: I've done my stint dee
[14:02] DeeDee Bookmite: I would just joke and mess
[14:02] Prash Mavendorf: u can pout if you want xara.
[14:02] Prash Mavendorf: lol.
[14:03] Lazarus Loxely: too late Dee you are CQs right hand lady
[14:03] Hatshepsut Linette: are we done?
[14:03] DeeDee Bookmite: you better not let me down CQ or it will be
a fiasco
[14:03] Prash Mavendorf: laz will be jealous.
[14:03] Jonno Stromfield: lol
[14:03] Aseret Quintessa: looks like it done that is
[14:03] Xara Thespian: you will be fine
[14:03] DeeDee Bookmite: me and CQ will work closely together on
this one Laz :P
[14:03] Lazarus Loxely: yep 14th 8pm, CQ chair unless unable and Dee
to hop on in his absence
[14:03] DeeDee Bookmite: unless I am working
[14:04] Xara Thespian: ah
[14:04] DeeDee Bookmite: then it will be about 9.30
[14:04] Lazarus Loxely: *** Meeting Ends! ***

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