Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We have a Flickr stream

We have a Flickr stream created for the Open Life regions. It is viewable here: but doesn't have much content yet.

If you have any snapshots of you and/or fellow avatars around the Open Life regions, please feel free to add them to the stream. The more the merrier. If each resident and regular visitor uploads two picture, we'll have well over a hundred straight away!

Anybody can upload a snapshot direct to the Flickr account by attaching it to an email and sending it to a special address (available to OU residents from Kickaha.)

The subject line of the email becomes the picture's title, and body text of the email becomes the picture's description. If you want to add tags, simply add them to the end of the email, after typing tags:

For example, the email below resulted in the Flickr page shown at the very bottom of this post.

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