Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Resident Eshala Tabacznyck (OU student and T175 Cafe moderator Teresa Flannery) has given permission for her slideshow of last weekend's event to be posted here.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer social event draws record crowd

I arrived in-world ( ) at daybreak today to start a thunder storm as the back-story to Aseret's treasure hunt. What a lovely surprise it was to find two avatars there already, eager to start the hunt.

It was a sign of good things to come. From 9am until lunch time there was barely a moment when there were less than seven or eight avatars in Open Life Ocean and Open Life Village. The figure peaked at about eighteen - virtually unprecedented for ten in the morning!

Xara, Mulberry, Kickaha and Shailey aboard HMS Primafore

Pictures are already appearing on the Flickr stream. You can see octopus riding, mini-submarines, beach volleyball and lots more here:

If you come along today, please upload your pics by emailing them to the special Flickr address available from Kickaha. They are added to the stream immediately.

The subject line of the email becomes the picture's title, and body text of the email becomes the picture's description. If you want to add tags, simply add them to the end of the email, after typing tags:

For example, the email below resulted in the Flickr page shown at the very bottom of this post.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August issue of LOL published

This month's issue of LOL is now available from the Open Life website:

Contributions to the magazine have increased so much that I've done a low-bandwidth edition for those with systems that lack the oomph to download the 3MB version. Both are available from the LOL page of the Open Life website. For the Low Bandwidth Edition, click on the graphics with the pink label. (Example below.)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aseret's Treasure Hunt

OLiVe resident Aseret Quintessa (A215 student Teresa Moore) has responded to residents' calls for another treasure hunt by creating her own. It will run all day on Saturday 15 August on Open Life Village in Open Life Ocean, in parallel with our Sun, Sea and Second Life event. The in-world publicity poster and notecard are reproduced below.

Treasure Hunt -$L250 Prize

Due to a violent storm on Open Life Ocean, the good ship Olive sank and scattered her cargo of gemstones.

The strength of the storm was such that some gems may even have washed up on the beaches around the Village Island.

To Hunt

You will have to search the beaches around the village and under the sea to find the gems.

When you find one click on it and 'buy' it. It will be set to $L0 so you don't need money. Once you have 'bought' it click on it and choose TAKE to save into your inventory. Make a folder with your name on and once you have finished searching pass the folder over to Aseret Quintessa.

If I am not inworld open my profile and drag the folder into the box marked GIVE ITEM.

The winner is the person with the most gems at the end of the day.


* Out there somwhere are 4 Fire Opals each worth $L 50!

Good luck!

Sun, Sand and Second Life

Provisional timetable

•0900‐1000: Pink champagne breakfast aboard the yacht HMS Primafore, berthed at OLiVe Harbour.
•1100:1500: Automated submarine tours of the ocean floor.
•1500‐1700: Surfing and jetski fun. Beach volleyball.
•1800: Crazyboat Race
•1900: Beach barbecue followed by dancing
ALL DAY: Aseret's Treasure Hunt

ALL DAY: Summer tunes streamed to the regions

Prize for the loudest Bermuda shorts!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We have a Flickr stream

We have a Flickr stream created for the Open Life regions. It is viewable here: but doesn't have much content yet.

If you have any snapshots of you and/or fellow avatars around the Open Life regions, please feel free to add them to the stream. The more the merrier. If each resident and regular visitor uploads two picture, we'll have well over a hundred straight away!

Anybody can upload a snapshot direct to the Flickr account by attaching it to an email and sending it to a special address (available to OU residents from Kickaha.)

The subject line of the email becomes the picture's title, and body text of the email becomes the picture's description. If you want to add tags, simply add them to the end of the email, after typing tags:

For example, the email below resulted in the Flickr page shown at the very bottom of this post.