Monday, November 30, 2009

Panto Frenzy

Hi ya'all,
The first Panto meeting has been held. It was a great meeting and resulted in the choice of Jadis Mai as Orthnilogical Panto Director, and that on top of caring for three children and one ornery bird, OU studies, and work as event planner. There is only one word for it- committment. You should have seen Mr. Mai flapping in approval.
Fortunately for us all, Titiana is taking on the costumes, and Kick is creating an incredible delivery system. PsiRan is the writer so we know there are some laughs ahead. Its gonna be great.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Panto audition

The panto audition is coming sometime on the weekend. If I find out when I will let ya know.

Vampires on OU Island

SL! You gotta love it. Rumour has it that a certain uniformly person we all know has been allowing a unknown female vampire to bite him. Rumour has it that She asked politely and our brave OUtopia member offered his neck for the science of a vampire. Ludovico Fatenelli would be so proud. At the OU - Research rules!


Wow Wed. night Q&A really turned into crowd magnet. Tons of strangers popped into OU Island. It was an impromtu close encounter of the SL kind. Alls kinds of Q's were asked and all kinds of A's were given between some real interesting holiday dilemma discussions and multitasking online shopping.
I was short hand turned into somewhat of a bird roost as a slightly loony bird sat on my head. Gosh I miss ESH!(the birds preferred target!heeheeeeeeeheee)
It was great to see the place so full of quickly typing av's while being serenaded with the murmurings of Art Inventor in the back ground who in spite of introductions still remains unknown somehow.
All in all it was a rather pleasant info session. If you need some basic sl training (orientation) then stop by the nOUbie Centre for the nOUbie Q&A orientation support, Wednesday - 7:00 pm GMT and Friday - 10:00 am GMT.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Casting Call

It’s panto season and the OU’s community in the virtual world Second Life is staging Snow White in December. If you have theatrical zeal in the veins and are a confident avatar driver, let us know when you are available for rehearsals and performance by filling in the dates you ARE available at (and don't forget to leave your avatar name so we can contact you!) Closing date for this casting call is Friday 27 November.

Revisiting the OU Ocean

Have you visited OU Ocean? Newcomers may not be aware and oldtimers might have forgotten, but right off the shores of OUtopia there is a vast ocean thats perfect for dwaddling in.
In fact just yesterday Xara and I met up in the underwater cavern there and had a lovely chat and a great laugh because the chair pose animations are just too funny. Check out the snapshots. link coming!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is your system up to it?

Linden Lab's listed system requirements for Second Life are a bit hit and miss, so they recently launched an online service for testing compatibility.

To run the test, click here:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lets get Started!

Hello everyone,
It's me Leo. The Council at OUTopia is starting to take form and I want to invite you all to 'im' me about all your comings and goings around the Islands so that I can plaster the blog with them.
Speaking of plastering. In order for the council to be fully functional we need a concrete base. In other words we need to fill all the positions. Those of you who have wanted to participate more actively should have a look at the open positions listed under Community Council on the upper right corner of the OU Virtual Worlds Homepage

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Linden blogs about OU

The Open University's activities in Second Life have been the subject of a post on the official SL education blog. See link below.

Test Post

Some Text

Friday, November 6, 2009


Following Saturday's naming ceremony, the first Open Life region had its name change today. Open Life Village is now called OUtopia. Congratulations to Titiana Haystack (OU student Aileen Urquhart) who thought of the name.

We have been assured by Linden Lab that existing landmarks and SLURLs will continue to work. Please notify if you find a problem with them.