Thursday, April 16, 2009

Opening night

Open Life Ocean and Open Life Village opened last Saturday at 8.00pm with a party and Easter Egg hunt, that encouraged people (and a pink rabbit) to move all over the island.

We displayed a list of successful applicants and their assigned addresses. 24 of the parcels are claimed. 25 of the houses are occupied (one person has failed to “buy” their plot.) Another 12 people have confirmed by e-mail that they will be moving in. That’s 37 out of 61 definitely taken. All of the unclaimed ones were offered to ex-Sholokhov residents who have not been seen for a while. They have until 17 April to accept the AUP etc and move in, as there are 17 still on the waiting list.

Three allotments have been taken. Initially, the allotment scheme was only offered to those who had applied for houses but failed to get one. We will advertise the remaining ones more widely soon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Loose ends

Village signposting and TP system completed.

First residents get keys to the door

The sixty most eligible applicants are sent an e-mail offering them a house. At 2.30am sixty Open University students and staff were sent an e-mail saying that their application for a free house in the new residential and social region had been successful. They should be able to move in before the end of the weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A date is set

It's official: OLV will open at 8pm BST on Saturday 11 April.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Houses nearly done

All sixty residents' houses are in place and work is due to start on internal teleports.